Linux Tactic

Upgrade Your CLI Aesthetics: Tips for oh-my-bash and Vim Nightfly

Beautifying Your Command Line Interface: Tips and Tricks for oh-my-bash and Vim Nightfly

Are you tired of staring at a lackluster command line interface every time you open your terminal? If so, there are a few easy ways to spruce up your CLI and make it more visually appealing.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to use oh-my-bash and Vim Nightfly to beautify your command line interface.

Beautifying Bash via oh-my-bash

Oh-my-bash is a framework that streamlines the Bash configuration process and makes it easy to customize your CLI. Let’s get started with the installation process.

Installation of oh-my-bash

1. Open your terminal and enter the following command:


sh -c “$(curl -fsSL”



Once the installation process is complete, close and reopen your terminal to activate oh-my-bash.

Oh-my-bash Themes and Plugins

Oh-my-bash offers many themes and plugins that can be used to customize your CLI. Here are a few popular themes and plugins:


– agnoster

– bira

– powerline

– ys


– autojump

– fzf

– git

– zsh-syntax-highlighting

Changing Bash themes

1. Open your `~/.bashrc` file in a text editor.

2. Look for the following line:


export OSH_THEME=”random”



Replace “random” with your desired theme. For example, if you want to use the “bira” theme, enter:


export OSH_THEME=”bira”



Save and close the file. 5.

Type `source ~/.bashrc` in your terminal to apply the changes immediately.

Adding Bash plugins

1. Open your `~/.bashrc` file in a text editor.

2. Look for the following section:


# Example aliases

# alias zshconfig=”mate ~/.zshrc”

# alias ohmyzsh=”mate ~/.oh-my-zsh”



Add your desired plugin(s) below this section. For example, to add the “autojump” plugin, enter:


# Example aliases

# alias zshconfig=”mate ~/.zshrc”

# alias ohmyzsh=”mate ~/.oh-my-zsh”




Save and close the file. 5.

Type `source ~/.bashrc` in your terminal to apply the changes immediately.

Uninstalling oh-my-bash

1. Open your terminal and enter the following command:


sh -c “$(curl -fsSL”



This will remove oh-my-bash from your system.

Beautifying Vim via Nightfly

Vim is a popular text editor that comes with many customization options. One of the easiest ways to beautify Vim is by using the Nightfly color scheme.

Here’s how to get started.

Installation of vim-plug

1. Open your terminal and enter the following command:


curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim –create-dirs



Once the installation process is complete, open your `~/.vimrc` file in a text editor. 3.

Add the following lines to enable vim-plug:


call plug#begin()

” Add your plugins here

call plug#end()


Downloading and applying Nightfly scheme

1. Still in your `~/.vimrc` file, add the following line of code between the `call plug#begin()` and `call plug#end()` lines:


Plug ‘bluz71/vim-nightfly-guicolors’



Save and close the file. 3.

Type `:PlugInstall` in Vim to download and install the Nightfly color scheme. 4.

Once the installation process is complete, add the following line to your `~/.vimrc` file:


colorscheme nightfly


5. Save and close the file.

6. Type `:w` and `:source %` in Vim to apply the changes.

Customizing Vim color scheme

If you’re not satisfied with the Nightfly color scheme, you can customize it to suit your preferences. 1.

Open your `~/.vimrc` file in a text editor. 2.

Add the following lines to your `~/.vimrc` file to enable vim-plug:


call plug#begin()

” Add your plugins here

call plug#end()


3. Add the following line to download and install the “vim-colorschemes” plugin:


Plug ‘flazz/vim-colorschemes’



Save and close the file. 5.

Type `:PlugInstall` in Vim to download and install the “vim-colorschemes” plugin. 6.

Once the installation process is complete, add the following line to your `~/.vimrc` file to preview the available color schemes:




7. Use the up/down arrow keys to cycle through the available color schemes.

8. Once you’ve found a color scheme you like, add the following line to your `~/.vimrc` file to use the color scheme:





Save and close the file. 10.

Type `:w` and `:source %` in Vim to apply the changes.

Experimenting with other Vim themes and plugins

There are many other Vim themes and plugins available, so feel free to experiment and find the ones that work best for you. Vim has a large and active community, so there are many resources available online to help you beautify your CLI.Command Line Interface (CLI) is an essential tool that enables users to interact with various computer systems through text-based commands.

The CLI is a powerful tool, but its traditional appearance might not be appealing. If you’re someone who likes to customize your system, then you should create a personalized and visually pleasing CLI environment.

In this article, we will cover why it’s important to beautify Bash and Vim, and how you can easily do so using Oh-my-bash and Vim Nightfly.

Importance of beautifying Bash and Vim

When you use Bash and Vim on a regular basis, an unappealing CLI can be stressful to look at after a while. If you type commands frequently, and use your terminal on a daily basis, then you’ll understand the importance of having a visually appealing CLI that makes you feel comfortable and makes navigation easy.

The difference between a monochromatic, uninteresting CLI and a customized one can be the difference between enjoying your work or not.

Also, using an aesthetically pleasing CLI can increase your productivity.

A well-organized and visually attractive environment streamlines the process of working with multiple files, including quick navigation, accessing features & typing commands efficiently. Thus, a beautiful CLI can also enhance your work efficiency.

Ease of beautification with oh-my-bash and Nightfly

Beautifying Bash and Vim seems like a tedious task, but it’s surprisingly easy with the right tools. Oh-my-bash and Vim Nightfly are the tools that can bring your command line environment to life.

Oh-my-bash is a framework that simplifies the Bash environment configuration process and makes customization easy for its users. You can easily install oh-my-bash on your system and quickly change the themes and plugins to your preference by modifying the `~/.bashrc` file.

The themes available with oh-my-bash are professional-looking and made to boost productivity select within themes such as agnoster, bira, Powerline and so on. The plugins like fzf, zsh-syntax-highlighting, autojump can make your work easier with features like syntax highlighting, file search and rapid directory changes all incorporated with intelligent suggestion and auto-completion.

Vim Nightfly is a color scheme that enhances the appearance of the Vim editor. The colors are calming, modern and sophisticated.

Once you’ve installed Vim Plug, it’s a straightforward process to add the Nightfly scheme. In addition to this, the `~/.vimrc` file is easily modifiable to personalize the Vim editor per your preference.

With Nightfly, you can experience a more refined and polished look that makes the interface more attractive. Nightfly consists of a variety of appealing background colors, foreground colors, and syntax highlighting that can be customized.


In conclusion, we’ve covered the importance of beautifying your CLI by customizing Bash and Vim. Command line environments are a vital part of our workflow.

Thus it is essential to elevate our CLI environment to a more attractive and functional level. With Oh-my-bash and Vim Nightfly it’s effortless and quick to enhance the appearance of your CLI.

These tools are readily available and can be customized quickly, making your experience more enjoyable and improving productivity. In conclusion, beautifying the command line interface through Oh-my-bash and Vim Nightfly is important as the customized environment brings a visually appealing interface and enhances productivity and comfort.

Oh-my-bash and Vim Nightfly consist of themes and plugins to customize the CLI to suit their preference. The importance of beautifying interfaces is critical as it keeps your work environment organized and attractive.

Through the use of the tools mentioned here, and the installation processes outlined in the article, users can streamline the beautification process for better CLI experience.

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