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Secure Your Arch Linux Machine with OpenVPN

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Unlocking the potential of your Arch Linux machine is easy if you know how to install OpenVPN. OpenVPN is a trusted open-source VPN protocol that allows for secure remote access to your network or the internet.

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through each step of the process, from installation to connecting to the VPN server.

Updating Packages

The first step towards installing OpenVPN on Arch Linux is to update the packages on the system. Keeping the packages up to date ensures that the system is running the latest and most secure versions of software.

You can run this command to update the packages:


sudo pacman -Syu


Installing Git

The next step is to install Git, which is a popular tool used for version control and code management. Git provides a modular design that allows for smooth integration with other tools and platforms, making it even more powerful.

Installing Git is as simple as running this command:


sudo pacman -S git


Cloning the OpenVPN-Install Github Repository

We will now clone the OpenVPN-Install Github repository using Git. The repository provides a set of scripts that can be used to simplify the installation and configuration of OpenVPN.

Here is the command to clone the repository:


git clone


Once you have cloned the repository, you can navigate to the directory and run the script to install OpenVPN:


cd openvpn-install

chmod +x

sudo ./


Configuring OpenVPN Server

Now that you have installed OpenVPN, it’s time to configure the server. You will be prompted for several options during the configuration, such as the IP address, protocol, port, and DNS.

Make sure to customize these options to suit your requirements and network settings. Once you have completed the configuration, OpenVPN will generate the server and client configuration files.

Generating Client Configuration File

The client configuration file is a vital component of the OpenVPN setup as it contains the necessary parameters needed for connecting to the VPN server. You can easily generate the client configuration file by following these steps:


Access the cloned Github repository. 2.

Run the “” script. 3.

Choose the option to add a new client. 4.

Follow the prompts to set up the client and generate the configuration file.

Connecting to OpenVPN Server

Now that the OpenVPN server is configured, you can proceed to connect to it. Here are the steps to follow:

Finding IP address

Before you can connect to the VPN server, you need to know the IP address of the server. You can use the “ip a” command to view the network interfaces on the server and identify the IP address assigned to the “tun0” interface.

The “tun0” is the interface created by OpenVPN, which can be used to connect to the server.

Connecting to VPN Server

Once you have identified the IP address of the VPN server, you can proceed to connect to it using the OpenVPN client. You can use the client configuration file generated earlier to establish the connection.

Here’s the command to initiate the connection:


sudo openvpn


After running the command, you will be prompted to enter your login credentials. Once authenticated, the client will establish a secure connection with the VPN server.

Checking Network Interfaces

After establishing a connection with the VPN server, you can check the network interfaces on your machine to confirm that the “tun0” interface has been created. Use the command “ip a” to view the output and verify that the “tun0” interface has an IP address assigned to it.

Final Thoughts

Installing and configuring OpenVPN on Arch Linux enables secure remote access to your network or the internet. The process outlined in this guide is simplistic but powerful.

Explore the features of the OpenVPN client and server, and see how it can improve your online activities. In conclusion, OpenVPN is a powerful tool for securing remote access to networks and the internet on Arch Linux.

To install and configure OpenVPN, you need to update packages, install Git, clone the OpenVPN-Install Github repository, configure the server, and generate the client configuration file. You can then connect to the VPN server and check the network interfaces to verify that the “tun0” interface has been created.

The process is simple and straightforward, and it unlocks the full potential of your Arch Linux machine. Take advantage of OpenVPN to improve your online activities, and enjoy the benefits of a more safe and secure environment.

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