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Rust: The Future of Systems Programming on Linux Mint 21

Rust Programming Language: The Future of Systems Programming? Programming languages are the driving force behind any technological advancement.

Programmers today have a wide range of languages to choose from depending on their requirements. One such language that has been gaining a lot of traction recently is Rust.

In this article, we will look at the installation process of Rust on Linux Mint 21 and the key features/benefits that make Rust stand out.

Installing Rust programming language on Linux Mint 21

Before we dive into Rust’s features and benefits, let us first understand how to install Rust on Linux Mint 21. The following steps will guide you through the process:

Updating packages list: Before installing Rust, it is essential to update the packages list.

This can be done by running the command `sudo apt update`. Installing dependencies: Rust requires certain dependencies to be present on the system.

The dependencies can be installed using the command `sudo apt install curl build-essential`. Downloading Rust scripts: The next step is to download the Rust installation script.

This can be done by running the command `curl –proto ‘=https’ –tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh`. Activating Rust environment: Once Rust has been installed, you need to activate the Rust environment.

This can be done by running the command `source $HOME/.cargo/env`. Checking Rust version: Lastly, you can check the Rust version by running the command `rustc –version`.

Rust Programming Language Features and Benefits

Now that we have understood how to install Rust, let us take a look at the key features and benefits of Rust programming language:

Safety and Performance Focus: Rust puts safety first by preventing bugs and runtime errors at the compile-time stage. Rust’s ownership and borrowing mechanism ensure that there are no data races or undefined behavior at runtime.

This results in safer and more reliable systems. Additionally, Rust provides the performance of a system-level language while ensuring memory safety.

Usage by Leading Organizations: Rust programming language has been adopted by leading organizations such as Amazon, Mozilla, and Microsoft, among others. Amazon, for instance, uses Rust to build the Firecracker Virtual Machine Monitor, while Mozilla uses Rust to build the Servo browser engine.

Benefits over C/C++: While C/C++ has been the go-to language for systems programming, Rust provides several benefits over C/C++. Rust’s ownership and borrowing mechanism ensure there are no memory leaks or dangling pointers.

Additionally, Rust provides concurrency support through its actor model. Rust also has a modern package manager that makes it easy to write and manage Rust code.


In conclusion, Rust programming language is steadily gaining popularity in the system programming domain due to its focus on safety and performance. Installing Rust on Linux Mint 21 is a straightforward process that requires a few simple commands.

With Rust’s adoption by leading organizations and its several benefits over C/C++, it is safe to say that Rust is the future of systems programming. In conclusion, Rust programming language is a modern and efficient choice for systems programming due to its focus on safety, performance, and concurrency.

Installing Rust on Linux Mint 21 is a quick and easy process requiring a few commands. Rust is gaining popularity in the industry and is already being used by leading organizations like Amazon, Mozilla, and Microsoft due to its benefits over C/C++.

As we rely more on technological advancements, the importance of using powerful and secure programming languages like Rust cannot be overstated.

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