Linux Tactic

Reviving Lost Data: Utilizing PhotoRec and Foremost in Linux

Data loss is a common problem that can occur at any time. Whether it’s due to user error, hardware malfunction, or a virus attack, losing important files can cause a lot of stress and inconvenience.

Luckily, there are several tools available in Linux that can help recover lost data from storage devices, such as a SanDisk USB pendrive or a hard drive. In this article, we will discuss how to recover data from storage devices using file carving tools, such as Foremost and PhotoRec.

Recovering Data from a SanDisk USB Pendrive

Losing data from a SanDisk USB pendrive can be frustrating, but with a few simple steps, you can recover your lost information. SanDisk devices are popular and come in different storage capacities, so it’s important to choose the right recovery tool that is compatible with the device.

Here, we will discuss the two most popular file carving tools, Foremost and PhotoRec.

File Carving Tools – Foremost and PhotoRec

Foremost and PhotoRec are two popular file carving tools that can recover lost data from storage devices. File carving is a process of extracting data from a storage device by searching for specific markers or signatures that identify certain file types.

Foremost is a powerful tool that can recover various file types, including documents, images, and audio files. PhotoRec is a specialized tool that is designed to recover digital photos and video files.

Data Recovery with Foremost

Foremost is a command-line tool that is installed by default in many Linux distributions. To recover lost data with Foremost, you need to identify the storage device where the data is believed to be lost and use the command “foremost -i /dev/sdb” to initiate the recovery process.

The tool will start scanning the device and carving out the lost files using predefined signatures.

Data Recovery with PhotoRec

PhotoRec is another popular file carving tool that is designed specifically for recovering digital photos and videos. To use PhotoRec, you need to install it first, using the command “sudo apt-get install testdisk”.

Once installed, you can use the command “photorec /dev/sdb” to initiate the recovery process. PhotoRec will scan the device and search for lost files based on their signatures.

Data Recovery from Hard Drive with Foremost

Losing data from a hard drive can be devastating, especially if the drive contains important business or personal information. However, recovering lost data from a hard drive is possible with the right tools.

Foremost is an efficient tool that can recover lost data from hard drives using a process called carving.

Identifying the Storage Device with lsblk

Before you can recover data from a hard drive using Foremost, you need to identify the storage device where the data is lost. In Linux, you can use the command “lsblk” to list all attached storage devices and their partitions.

The command will display the devices’ names, sizes, and filesystem types.

Installing and Using Foremost

Installing Foremost in Linux is easy. You can use the command “sudo apt-get install foremost” to install it.

Once installed, you can use the command “foremost -i /dev/sda” to start the carving process. The tool will scan the hard drive and recover any lost data based on specific file types.

Carving Process with Foremost

The carving process with Foremost can take a while, depending on the hard drive’s size and the number of files being recovered. To speed up the process, you can specify the file types to be recovered using the “-t” option.

For example, “foremost -t doc,pdf -i /dev/sda” will recover only doc and pdf files.

Browsing Recovered Files

Once the carving process is complete, you can use the command “ls” to view the recovered data. The recovered files are stored in a directory named “output” in the directory where the Foremost tool was run.

In some cases, the recovered files may be corrupted and cannot be opened. In such instances, you may need to use additional tools to repair them.


Recovering lost data from storage devices is possible with file carving tools such as Foremost and PhotoRec. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can recover your lost data and minimize the damage caused by data loss.

It’s important to note that prevention is better than cure, and you should always make backup copies of important files to avoid losing them permanently. Although hard drives are still a popular storage medium, they are prone to data loss.

Losing data from a hard drive can be due to various reasons, including accidental deletion, malware infections, and physical damage. Fortunately, Linux users can recover lost data using different tools such as PhotoRec and Foremost.

In this article, we will discuss how to use PhotoRec to recover lost data from a hard drive.

Installing PhotoRec on Debian

PhotoRec is a popular file recovery tool that is available in most Linux distros, including Debian. To install PhotoRec on Ubuntu, you can use the terminal and the command “sudo apt-get install testdisk.” Once installation is complete, you can proceed to recover your lost data.

Selecting Source Disk or Image

If you are recovering data from a hard drive, you can select the source disk or image to recover data. In the terminal, use the command “sudo photorec /dev/sdb” to initiate the recovery process.

Note that “sdb” is the identifier for your source disk, and it may vary depending on your system settings. When you run the command, PhotoRec will detect the source disk or image automatically and prompt you to select the file system of the disk.

Selecting Partition

After selecting the source disk or image, PhotoRec will automatically analyze the disk’s partition layout. You will be prompted to select the partition where the lost data was stored.

If you are unsure about the partition, select “No partition” as PhotoRec can still recover lost data.

Configuring File Options

PhotoRec is equipped with several options that you can configure to recover specific files. If you are looking for specific file types, you can choose the file options using the command line interface.

For example, to recover only JPEG files, use the command “photorec /dev/sdb/jpeg” and PhotoRec will only recover JPEG files.

Beginning Data Recovery Process

Once you have set the file options, you can initiate the data recovery process by selecting the partition layout. PhotoRec will now scan the sectors of the storage device and identify lost files or artifacts.

The scanning process can take a while, depending on the size of the disk or image and the number of sectors that PhotoRec needs to analyze.

Saving Recovered Files

After the scanning process is completed, PhotoRec will display a list of recovered files. You can browse through the files to ensure they are not corrupted and save them to an external device by selecting the “write” option.

When selecting a destination for the recovered files, it’s essential to select an external device to minimize the risk of data overwriting or loss.

Comparison of Foremost and PhotoRec

Both Foremost and PhotoRec are popular file recovery tools that can recover lost data from a hard drive. However, there are some differences between the two tools.

For example, Foremost is more powerful than PhotoRec and can recover a wider range of file types. In contrast, PhotoRec is easier to use and can recover compressed and encrypted files.

Supported File Types and Disk Images

PhotoRec can recover over 480 different file types and can analyze many disk image formats. Some of the supported disk images include a raw image, VMware images, and Apple disk images.

On the other hand, Foremost can support over 35 file types and can analyze raw disk images.

Use of High-Level Forensics Tools for Domestic Use

While high-level forensics tools were once only used in data recovery labs, they have become readily available to domestic users thanks to open-source software development. While the learning curve may be steeper, these tools offer a range of features that can make data recovery more efficient and effective.

For instance, tools such as the Sleuth Kit can aid in partition analysis, file system reconstruction, and tracing data clusters. In conclusion, PhotoRec is a popular tool that can recover lost data from a hard drive.

Using the command line interface, PhotoRec can recover various file types and is more straightforward to use than Foremost. However, Foremost is a more powerful tool that can recover a wider range of file types and is used by professionals in data recovery labs.

Regardless of the tool you use, it’s essential to save the recovered files to an external device to minimize data loss. In conclusion, data loss is a common issue that can be frustrating and inconvenient for users.

Fortunately, recovery tools like PhotoRec and Foremost can retrieve lost data from storage devices in Linux. By following the steps outlined in this article, users can select their source disk or image, choose the partition, configure file options, begin the data recovery process and save the recovered files to external storage, thus minimizing data loss.

It’s important to note that being proactive by creating backups of important files is the best strategy to avoid permanent data loss. In taking advantage of powerful file recovery tools such as PhotoRec, while always having safety measures in mind, users can recover lost data in the case of the inevitable.

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