Linux Tactic

Powering Statistical Computing: Installing R on Debian 9

Installing R on Debian

A Debian 9 system with at least 1G of RAM and sudo privileges is all that is needed to get started on installing R. R is an open-source programming language designed for statistical computing and graphical representation, managed by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing.

R is a popular language among statisticians and data miners due to its wide range of functionalities. To install R on Debian, the first step is to add the CRAN repository to the list of apt sources by running the following command:

$ sudo echo “deb stretch-cran35/” >> /etc/apt/sources.list

The next step is to update the apt sources list and install R:

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get install r-base

Once the installation of R is complete, R packages can now be installed from CRAN.

Installing R Packages from CRAN

The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) provides a vast library of R packages to users. Installing R packages can be done via the R console or through the system terminal.

To install R packages from the R console, open R by typing:

$ sudo -i R

To install the build-essential package, run:

> install.packages(“build-essential”)

To install the stringr package globally, run:

> install.packages(“stringr”)

Alternatively, R packages can be installed through the system terminal using the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install r-cran-stringr

It is recommended to install R packages globally using the system terminal. However, if the package is for personal use only, it is possible to install the R package in a personal library by running:

> .libPaths(“~/R-packages”)

> install.packages(“stringr”, lib = “~/R-packages”)

R Programming

Starting R Console

To start the R console, open the terminal and type:

$ sudo -i R

This opens up the R console with access to R functions and packages. Users can create variables to store data and perform operations on data using R functions.

Running Functions

One of the primary features of R programming is its vast collection of functions designed to process and analyze data. Functions in R are used to perform specific tasks or operations on data, similar to functions in other programming languages.

To get started with R functions, users can create a character vector and use the str_length() function to determine the length of each string in the vector. > x <- c("apple", "banana", "cherry", "date")

> str_length(x)

The output of this function would be:

[1] 5 6 6 4

This shows the length of each string in the character vector.

Available R Packages

R has a vast collection of packages available through the CRAN repository. These packages can be easily installed and loaded into the R environment, providing access to a wide range of functionality and capabilities.

To install an R package, users can use the install.packages() function and specify the package name. > install.packages(“ggplot2”)

This command installs the ggplot2 package and makes it available for use within the R environment.


R is a powerful programming language designed for statistical computing and graphical representation. Installing R on a Debian 9 system is a straightforward process that involves adding the CRAN repository to the apt sources list and installing R through the system terminal.

R packages can also be installed from CRAN, providing access to a vast collection of additional functionality and capabilities. Users can get started with R programming by simply opening the R console and running R functions or installing and loading R packages.

In summary, this article provides an informative guide on how to install R on Debian 9 and get started with R programming. The steps to install R on Debian involve adding the CRAN repository and installing R, while installing R packages from CRAN can be done via the R console or system terminal.

R programming involves starting the R console, running R functions, and accessing a vast collection of R packages. R is a powerful programming language that statisticians and data miners use for statistical computing and graphical representation.

The article emphasizes the importance of R programming in data science and encourages readers to explore the possibilities of R in their work or projects.

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