Linux Tactic

Optimizing Your Cloud Resources with MATE Desktop Environment

Are you looking for an efficient and lightweight desktop environment for your cloud resources? The MATE Desktop Environment might just be what you need.

In this article, we’ll walk you through how to set it up on an EC2 instance and the benefits of using a lightweight desktop environment.

Setting up MATE Desktop Environment on EC2 Instance

Before we begin, it’s important to understand the two types of interfaces that exist: CLI(Command-Line Interface) and GUI(Graphical User Interface). While CLI is mostly text-based and requires knowledge of commands, GUI is more of a visual interface that’s easier to use.

Desktop Environments are a type of GUI, and we have different types such as GNOME, KDE Plasma, MATE, Budgie, Xfce, and Cinnamon. For this article, we’ll be discussing the MATE Desktop Environment.

MATE Desktop Environment is a user-friendly interface that offers a wide range of applications. It’s available on most Linux distributions and is easy to customize to suit your preferences.

To install MATE desktop environment on an EC2 instance, we need to use apt-repositories, which is a package management tool. We’ll also use xrdp, an open-source Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server.

Testing the MATE Desktop Environment

After installation, you can test if the MATE desktop environment works by using a remote desktop viewer such as remmina. You might need to install remmina on your local machine if you don’t have it installed already.

If everything goes well, the MATE desktop environment should be up and running. However, it’s important to note that sometimes, you might encounter issues with color depth.

In such a case, you can edit the ~/.xsession file and add the line “export DESKTOP_SESSION=MATE.”

MATE Applications

The MATE Desktop Environment comes with a wide range of applications that are designed to enhance your user experience. Some of the popular ones include;


Caja – a file manager that provides a graphical interface for managing files and folders. 2.

MATE Terminal – a terminal emulator that allows you to run commands. 3.

Atril – a document viewer that supports various formats such as PDF, PostScript, and DjVu.

4. Pluma – a text editor that supports syntax highlighting and other features.

5. Eye of MATE – an image viewer that allows you to view images and make basic edits.

Benefits of Using a Lightweight and Efficient Desktop Environment

Cloud Resources and Operating Systems

Cloud computing has been a game-changer when it comes to computing resources. It allows businesses to quickly access computing resources without the need for their own infrastructure.

However, the cloud resources are limited, and it’s important to optimize the operating system to effectively use these resources.

Advantages of a Lightweight Desktop Environment

A lightweight desktop environment like MATE is designed to use fewer resources than traditional desktop environments. It comes with a simple interface, which means that it’s easy to use and has a low learning curve.

This makes it suitable for organizations that need to quickly onboard new employees.

Improved Performance and Resource Management

Using a lightweight desktop environment like MATE can lead to improved performance and resource management. The fewer resources used by the desktop environment, the more resources are left for other applications, leading to better resource management.

With MATE, you can maintain a high level of performance while using limited resources.

Flexibility for Complex Scenarios

In complex scenarios that require multiple virtual machines, a lightweight desktop environment like MATE offers more flexibility. It doesn’t require much resources to run, making it easy to launch multiple virtual machines with the same desktop environment.

This is a game-changer for organizations that require different desktop environments for different purposes.


In conclusion, the MATE Desktop Environment is an efficient and lightweight desktop environment suitable for cloud resources. It’s easy to install and customize to suit your organization’s needs.

By using a lightweight desktop environment, you’ll improve the performance of your system while effectively using the limited resources of the cloud. So, what are you waiting for?

Give MATE a try on your EC2 instance today, and experience the benefits of a lightweight and efficient desktop environment. In this article, we’ve discussed how to set up the MATE Desktop Environment on an EC2 instance and the benefits of using a lightweight desktop environment.

MATE offers improved performance and resource management while requiring fewer resources than traditional desktop environments. Additionally, it’s easy to use and customizable to suit your organization’s needs.

By using a lightweight desktop environment like MATE, you can effectively optimize your cloud resources, leading to better resource management. So, if you’re looking for an efficient and lightweight desktop environment, give MATE a try on your EC2 instance today.

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