Linux Tactic

Missing ifconfig command on Linux: How to Install and Prevent Deletion

If you are a Linux user, you might have encountered an error message when running the

ifconfig command. “Command not found” is a common error that users encounter when trying to run

ifconfig on their Linux machine.

In this article, we will discuss how to install the missing

ifconfig command and an alternative command that you can use instead.

How to Install Missing

ifconfig Command on Linux

If you encounter an error message when running the

ifconfig command on your Linux machine, it means that the system does not recognize the command. This can be frustrating, especially if you rely on the

ifconfig command to diagnose network issues.

The good news is that you can solve this problem by installing the net-tools package. Net-tools is a set of networking tools for Linux that includes the

ifconfig command.

Here is how you can install net-tools on your Linux machine. Step 1: Open your Linux terminal and type the following command to update the package index:

sudo apt update

Step 2: Type the following command to install the net-tools package:

sudo apt install net-tools

Step 3: After the installation is complete, you can now run the

ifconfig command.



ifconfig command should now work correctly without throwing any error message. You can use

ifconfig to diagnose networking issues, check IP address, and configure network interfaces.

Alternative to

ifconfig Command on Linux

If you were using the

ifconfig command for network diagnosis, you might be wondering if there is an alternative command that you can use. The answer is yes.

The ip command is an alternative to

ifconfig that you can use on your Linux machine. Let’s take a look at how the ip command compares to alternative command ip a

The ip command is a powerful networking tool that is used for network management and diagnosis.

In contrast to

ifconfig, which only displays information about network interfaces (such as IP address, MAC address, and MTU), the ip command can help you:

– Display information about network interfaces

– Modify network interfaces

– Set up network routing

– Monitor network performance

The ip command can be used for both IPv4 and IPv6 networks, making it a versatile networking tool. Comparison between the outputs of

ifconfig and ip a commands

When it comes to output, the ip command produces more detailed information than


For example, the ip command can show you information about IP address, MAC address, MTU, and much more. In comparison,

ifconfig only displays basic information about each network interface.

To see the differences between

ifconfig and ip commands let’s compare the output of both commands:

ifconfig command output:


enp0s3: flags=4163 mtu 1500

inet netmask broadcast

ether 08:00:27:02:9a:93 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)

RX packets 10 bytes 1028 (1.0 KB)

RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0

TX packets 20 bytes 2624 (2.6 KB)

TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0


ip a command output:


enp0s3: mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000

link/ether 08:00:27:02:9a:93 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

inet brd scope global dynamic enp0s3

valid_lft 2161sec preferred_lft 2161sec

inet6 fe80::c370:eab6:73dc:2fd9/64 scope link

valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever


As you can see, the ip command output is more detailed and includes information about IPv6 addresses. Additionally, the ip command output is organized in a more readable format, making it easier to interpret the data.


In conclusion, the

ifconfig command is a powerful networking tool that can help you diagnose network issues, check IP address, and configure network interfaces. If you encounter an error message when running the

ifconfig command, you can solve the problem by installing the net-tools package.

Alternatively, you can use the ip command, which is a more versatile networking tool that can help you with network management and diagnosis. By understanding the differences between these commands, you can choose the tool that best suits your needs for network management and diagnosis on your Linux machine.

As a Linux user, it can be frustrating when you encounter an error message indicating that the

ifconfig command is missing. The

ifconfig command is a critical networking tool that can help you diagnose network issues, check IP address, and configure network interfaces.

In this article, we will discuss various reasons why the

ifconfig command might be missing and how you can prevent accidental deletion of the

ifconfig command. Possible Reasons for the Missing

ifconfig Command


ifconfig command is part of the net-tools package on Linux systems.

If you encounter an error message indicating that the

ifconfig command is missing or not found, it means that the system does not recognize the command. Here are some possible reasons why the

ifconfig command may be missing:


The net-tools package is not installed: If the net-tools package is not installed on your Linux system, the

ifconfig command may not be available. To fix this issue, you can install the net-tools package using a package manager such as apt-get or yum.

2. The net-tools package is outdated: If the net-tools package is outdated or unsupported, the

ifconfig command may not be available.

This issue can occur if you are using an older version of Linux that does not support the latest version of the net-tools package. To fix this issue, you may need to update your Linux distribution or switch to an alternative networking tool.

3. Changes in Linux distribution: Some Linux distributions are replacing the net-tools package with other networking tools such as iproute2 that do not include


If your Linux distribution has switched to another networking tool, the

ifconfig command may not be available. In this case, you may need to learn how to use the alternative tool or switch to a different Linux distribution.

How to Prevent Accidental Deletion of

ifconfig Command

While it is possible for the

ifconfig command to be missing due to changes in your Linux distribution or outdated net-tools package, it is also possible for it to be deleted accidentally. This can happen when you delete files and directories on your Linux system without adequately understanding their function.

Here are some tips to help you prevent accidental deletion of the

ifconfig command:

1. Use file management utilities: Most Linux systems have file management utilities such as Nautilus or Dolphin that can help you manage files and directories.

These utilities come with a trash feature that can help you recover deleted files in case of accidental deletion. Always use file management utilities to manage files and directories instead of deleting them through the terminal.

2. Use the sudo prefix with caution: The sudo prefix is a powerful command that allows you to execute commands with administrative privileges.

While the sudo prefix can be helpful in performing certain tasks, it can also be dangerous when used without caution. Always double-check the command you are about to execute before using the sudo prefix to avoid accidental deletion of critical files.

3. Create backups: Backups are essential in case of accidental deletion or system failure.

You can create regular backups of critical files and directories, including the

ifconfig command, to restore them quickly in case of accidental deletion. 4.

Learn about the files and directories: It is essential to learn about the function of files and directories on your Linux system before deleting them. This can help you make informed decisions when managing your Linux system.


In conclusion, the

ifconfig command is an essential networking tool that can help you diagnose network issues, check IP address, and configure network interfaces on your Linux system. If you encounter an error message indicating that the

ifconfig command is missing, it may be due to an outdated net-tools package, changes in your Linux distribution, or accidental deletion.

To prevent accidental deletion of critical files such as

ifconfig, always use file management utilities, use the sudo prefix with caution, create backups, and learn about the function of files and directories. By following these tips, you can prevent accidental deletion of critical files and ensure a smooth experience while managing your Linux system.


ifconfig command is a critical networking tool that helps Linux users diagnose network issues, check IP address and configure network interfaces. However, this command can sometimes go missing due to various reasons, such as an outdated net-tools package or deletion of the command mistakenly.

To prevent such issues, it is crucial to use file management utilities and the sudo prefix with caution, create backups regularly, and understand the function of files and directories before deleting them. By following these tips, you can prevent accidental deletion of critical files and maintain a smooth Linux experience.

Overall, this article highlights the importance of being mindful of system changes and file management to ensure efficient management of your Linux system.

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