Linux Tactic

Maximizing System Security with SELinux in CentOS 7

Introduction to SELinux

In today’s world, where cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities pose a significant challenge to individuals and organizations, access control is of utmost priority. SELinux, or Security-Enhanced Linux, is a Linux kernel security module that enhances access controls and helps prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data and resources.

In this article, we will explore what SELinux is and how it works, as well as its modes and policies.

SELinux Policy Rules

At its core, SELinux is a set of policy rules that govern how processes, users, and files can interact with one another. These policy rules are designed to enforce the principle of least privilege, which only grants access to the resources that a user or process requires to complete a task.

SELinux policy rules determine whether a given action is allowed or denied, based on the context in which it occurs.

Access Control in SELinux

One of the key features of SELinux is its access control mechanism. When a user or process tries to access a resource, such as a file or network service, SELinux checks its policy rules to determine whether the action should be allowed or denied.

If the action is allowed, SELinux applies a security label to the resource that defines the level of access that the user or process has. If the action is denied, SELinux prevents the user or process from accessing the resource.

Modes of SELinux

SELinux can operate in two modes: enforcing mode and permissive mode. Enforcing mode is the default mode in which SELinux operates in CentOS 7.

In this mode, SELinux policy rules are strictly enforced, and any action that violates a policy rule is denied. Enforcing mode prevents unauthorized access to resources, thereby enhancing system security.

Permissive mode, on the other hand, is a mode in which SELinux logs actions that violate policy rules but does not actually deny them. Permissive mode allows administrators to test policy rules and system configurations without interfering with system operations.

Default Mode in CentOS 7

In CentOS 7, SELinux operates in enforcing mode by default. This means that SELinux policy rules are strictly enforced, and any action that violates these rules is denied.

Enforcing mode provides a high level of security and is recommended for most production environments.

Recommended Mode

The recommended mode for SELinux is enforcing mode. This mode provides the highest level of security by strictly enforcing policy rules and preventing unauthorized access to resources.

While permissive mode may be useful for testing and troubleshooting, enforcing mode should be used in production environments to ensure maximum security.


Overall, SELinux is a powerful security tool that enhances access control and prevents unauthorized access to sensitive data and resources. By operating in enforcing mode and following best practices for policy rule configuration, administrators can maximize the benefits of SELinux and ensure the security of their systems.

Disabling SELinux in CentOS 7

SELinux is a powerful security tool in CentOS 7 that enhances access control and prevents unauthorized access to sensitive data and resources. However, under certain circumstances, it may be necessary to disable SELinux temporarily or permanently.

In this article, we will explore how to disable SELinux in CentOS 7.


Before we proceed, it is important to note that disabling SELinux should be done with caution, as it could potentially expose the system to security risks. As always, it is recommended to take a backup of your data before implementing any changes.

In addition, you will need sudo privileges to disable SELinux.

Check SELinux Status

Before disabling SELinux, it is important to check its status. This can be done by running the sestatus command in the terminal:

$ sestatus

This will display the current status of SELinux, which can be enforcing, permissive, or disabled.

Using Temporary Mode Change

To temporarily disable SELinux, you can switch to permissive mode using the setenforce command. In permissive mode, SELinux policy rules are not enforced.

However, the actions that violate SELinux policy rules are logged for your review:

$ sudo setenforce 0

This will switch SELinux to permissive mode, which is set to be valid until the system is rebooted or the mode is changed again.

Permanent Disabling

To disable SELinux permanently, you need to edit the /etc/selinux/config file. Open the file using a text editor:

$ sudo vim /etc/selinux/config

In the file, locate the SELINUX= line and change it to SELINUX=disabled.

Save and close the file. SELINUX=disabled

Rebooting the System

After editing the /etc/selinux/config file, you need to reboot the system for the changes to take effect. Use the following command to reboot the system:

$ sudo shutdown -r now

This will reboot the system immediately, and SELinux will be disabled upon reboot.

Verifying the Change

After the system has rebooted, you can verify that SELinux has been disabled using the sestatus command:

$ sestatus

This will display the current status of SELinux, which should be disabled.

Conclusion and Additional Resources

Disabling SELinux in CentOS 7 should be done with caution, as it can potentially expose the system to security risks. However, under certain circumstances, it may be necessary to disable SELinux temporarily or permanently.

In this article, we explored how to disable SELinux in CentOS 7 using temporary and permanent methods. If you have further questions or remarks, it is recommended to consult the SELinux guide or other reputable resources to ensure that you implement the changes safely and effectively.

SELinux is a powerful tool with many features; learning about its capabilities can help you maximize the security of your system. In conclusion, SELinux is a powerful security tool that enhances access control and prevents unauthorized access to sensitive data and resources.

It operates in two modes: enforcing mode and permissive mode. Enforcing mode is the default mode and recommended for most production environments, while permissive mode logs actions that violate policy rules.

If necessary, SELinux can be temporarily or permanently disabled by using setenforce command or editing the /etc/selinux/config file. However, disabling SELinux should be done with caution, as it can potentially expose the system to security risks.

It is important to consult reputable resources and carefully implement changes to ensure maximum system security.

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