Linux Tactic

Mastering the Declare Command in Bash: Tips & Examples

Introduction to Declare Command

Do you find yourself needing to declare variables frequently while programming in Bash? If so, you might benefit from using the Declare Command.

This command allows you to define and configure variables in Bash, making it easier to use and manage them within your scripts. In this article, we will introduce you to the Declare Command and explore how it works.

We will also provide an overview of the different options that you can use with Declare Command to declare various types of variables.

Overview of Declare Command

Before diving into the various ways you can use the Declare Command, let’s have a brief overview of what it is. The Declare Command is a special command in Bash that allows the user to define various types of variables.

When declaring a variable using Declare Command, you can specify various characteristics that the variable will have, such as its data type, whether it is read-only or writable, and whether it will store an array or not.

Option-Purpose table

To help you understand the different options that can be used with the Declare Command, we have compiled a table of all the options and their purposes.

Option | Purpose

— | —

-i | Define an integer variable

-a | Define an array variable

-r | Define a read-only variable

-l | Define a variable with lowercase letters

-u | Define a variable with uppercase letters

-p | Print the values of the specified variables

Using Declare Command

Without Options

The simplest way to use Declare Command is without any options. This is called a basic variable declaration in which the user specifies the name of the variable and its value.

For example, the following script declares a variable called “age” and sets it to 25:


declare age=25


With -i Option

Suppose you want to declare a variable as an integer. In that case, you can use the “-i” option with Declare Command.

For example, the following script declares a variable called “count” and sets it to

10, which is an integer value. “`bash

declare -i count=



With -a Option

Suppose you want to declare an array variable with multiple values. In that case, you can use the “-a” option with Declare Command.

For example, the following script declares an array variable called “cars” and sets it to “BMW” and “Honda.”


declare -a cars=(“BMW” “Honda”)


With -r Option

Suppose you want to declare a read-only variable. In that case, you can use the “-r” option with Declare Command.

For example, the following script declares a read-only variable called “email” and sets it to “[email protected].”


declare -r email=”[email protected]


With -l Option

Suppose you want to declare a variable that stores a lowercase letter string. In that case, you can use the “-l” option with Declare Command.

For example, the following script declares a variable called “fruit” and sets it to “apple,” which is a lowercase string. “`bash

declare -l fruit=”apple”


With -u Option

Suppose you want to declare a variable that stores an uppercase letter string. In that case, you can use the “-u” option with Declare Command.

For example, the following script declares a variable called “name” and sets it to “JOHN,” which is an uppercase string. “`bash

declare -u name=”JOHN”


With -p Option

Finally, if you want to print the value of a variable using Declare Command, you can use the “-p” option. This option prints the value of the specified variable or variables to the console.

For example, the following script declares a variable called “age” and sets it to 25. It then prints the value of the age variable using the “-p” option.


declare age=25

declare -p age



In this article, we introduced you to the Declare Command in Bash and explored its various options. We learned that Declare Command is a special command in Bash that allows you to define various types of variables and specify their characteristics.

We also learned about the different options that can be used with Declare Command to declare various types of variables, such as integer, array, read-only, lowercase, and uppercase variables. By using the Declare Command, you can better organize and manage your variables in your Bash scripts, making it easier to code and debug your programs.

Examples of Declare Command

Now that we have covered the different options that can be used with Declare Command, let’s take a look at some examples of how to use Declare Command with various options. Example 1: Declare Command with no option and – option

The following example demonstrates the basic usage of Declare Command without an option.

Suppose you want to declare a variable named “message” and set it to “Hello, World!” To do so, you can run the following command in a Bash script:


declare message=”Hello, World!”


To verify that the variable has been declared correctly, you can print its value to the console using the “echo” command. Here’s an example:


echo $message




Hello, World!


You can also use the “-” option to declare a variable with the same effect as without an option, as shown below:


declare – message=”Goodbye, World!”


Example 2: Declare Command with -i option

The following example demonstrates how to declare an integer variable using the “-i” option.

Suppose you want to assign the value of 5 to a variable named “count.” Here’s an example of how to do that:


declare -i count=5


To verify that the variable has been declared correctly as an integer, you can use the “type” command:


type count




count is an integer


You can also perform mathematical operations on the integer variable, as shown in the following example:



echo $count






Example 3: Declare Command with -a option

The following example demonstrates how to declare an array variable using the “-a” option. Suppose you want to declare an array named “fruits” that contains the values “apple,” “

orange,” and “banana.” Here’s an example:


declare -a fruits=(“apple” “

orange” “banana”)


To print the entire contents of the array, you can use the following command:


echo ${fruits[*]}





orange banana


You can also print individual values of the array using their indices. For example, to print the second value of the array, which is “

orange,” you can use the following command:


echo ${fruits[1]}






Example 4: Declare Command with -r option

The following example demonstrates how to declare a read-only variable using the “-r” option. Suppose you want to declare a read-only variable named “hostname” and set it to the name of your machine.

Here’s an example:


declare -r hostname=$(hostname)


If you try to assign a new value to the read-only variable, you’ll get an error message:






-bash: hostname: readonly variable


Example 5: Declare Command with -l option

The following example demonstrates how to declare a variable with a lowercase string using the “-l” option. Suppose you want to declare a variable named “color” and set it to the string “BLUE.” Here’s an example:


declare -l color=”BLUE”


You can verify that the string has been converted to lowercase by printing its value using the “echo” command:


echo $color






Example 6: Declare Command with -u option

The following example demonstrates how to declare a variable with an uppercase string using the “-u” option. Suppose you want to declare a variable named “location” and set it to the string “New York City.” Here’s an example:


declare -u location=”New York City”


You can verify that the string has been converted to uppercase by printing its value using the “echo” command:


echo $location






Example 7: Declare Command with -p option

The following example demonstrates how to print the value of a variable using the “-p” option. Suppose you have declared a variable named “age” and set it to the value of 35.

Here’s an example of how to print its value using the “-p” option:


declare age=35

declare -p age




declare — age=”35″



In this article, we covered various examples of how to use Declare Command in Bash. We covered how to use the Declare Command with no option or “- “option to declare a basic variable, the “-i” option to declare integer variables, the “-a” option to declare an array variable, the “-r” option to declare a read-only variable, the “-l” option to declare variables with lowercase strings, the “-u” option to declare variables with uppercase strings, and the “-p” option to print the value of a variable.

By using these examples, you can better understand how to use Declare Command in your Bash scripts to declare variables more efficiently and effectively. In this article, we introduced you to the Declare Command in Bash, which is used to define and configure variables.

We covered the different options that can be used with the Declare Command, including -i for integer, -a for arrays, -r for read-only, -l for lowercase strings, -u for uppercase strings, and -p for printing variables. Through each example, we demonstrated how these options can be used effectively in various programming situations.

By using Declare Command in your Bash scripts, you can organize and manage your variables in a more efficient and effective way. Invest time in learning Declare Command, as it can be highly valuable in your programming venture.

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