Linux Tactic

Mastering the CP Command in Linux: Copying and Verifying Files

CP Command in Linux: Copying and Backing Up Files and DirectoriesCopying files and directories is a common task in the Linux command-line environment. The CP (copy) command in Linux allows users to make quick copies of files and directories while preserving their file attributes, ownership, and permissions.

However, to make the most of the CP command, it is important to understand its various options and usage scenarios. In this article, we will examine the primary functions of the CP command, including copying single and multiple files, copying directories, creating hard links, and backing up files.

Basic Syntax of CP Command:

The syntax of the CP command is simple and straightforward. The basic format of the CP command is as follows:

cp source_file destination_file

Here, the “source_file” refers to the file that needs to be copied, and “destination_file” refers to the new file that will be created as a copy of the source_file. Copying Single File to a New File:

To create a new copy of a single file, you can use the CP command with the source and destination file paths.

For example, to copy a file named “file1” to a new file named “file2,” you can use the following command:

cp /path/to/file1 /path/to/file2

Copying Multiple Files to a Destination Directory:

To copy multiple files to a destination directory, you can use the CP command with the source file paths and the destination directory path. For example, to copy two files named “file1” and “file2” to a directory named “dir1,” you can use the following command:

cp /path/to/file1 /path/to/file2 /path/to/dir1

Copying Directories with -R Flag:

To copy a directory and its subdirectories, use the recursive option -R or -r with the CP command.

The -R flag tells the CP command to copy the entire directory and its contents, including all subdirectories. For example, to copy a directory named “dir1” to a new directory named “dir2,” you can use the following command:

cp -R /path/to/dir1 /path/to/dir2

Copying Multiple Directories:

To copy multiple directories and their subdirectories, you can use the CP command in combination with the -R or -r flag.

For example, to copy two directories named “dir1” and “dir2” to a new directory named “dir3,” you can use the following command:

cp -R /path/to/dir1 /path/to/dir2 /path/to/dir3

Backup and Confirmation Options in CP Command:

The CP command offers two backup options: -b and -u. The -b option creates a backup of the existing destination file if it already exists.

The -u option updates the destination file if it is older than the source file. In addition, the CP command also provides a confirmation option -i, which asks for confirmation before overwriting an existing file.

For example, to create a backup of an existing file during copying, use the following command:

cp -b /path/to/source_file /path/to/destination_file

Creating Hard Links and Preserving File Attributes:

In Linux, a hard link is a file that points to the same location in the storage device as the original file. Hard links are useful for creating multiple references to a file without taking up additional space on the hard drive.

To create hard links using the CP command, use the -l option. Additionally, you can use other options such as -p or –preserve to preserve file attributes such as ownership, permissions, and timestamps during file copying.

For example, to create a hard link to an existing file and preserve file attributes, use the following command:

cp -lp /path/to/source_file /path/to/destination_file

Using the Tree Command to View Directory Structure:

The Tree command is used to display the directory structure of the filesystem in a tree-like format. The tree command shows the directory structure, including subdirectories and files, in a hierarchical view, which is easy to navigate.

To use the tree command, simply type “tree” in the terminal followed by the path of the directory you wish to view. For example, to view the directory structure of a directory named “mydir,” type the following command:

tree /path/to/mydir


The CP command is a powerful tool for copying files and directories in Linux.

By understanding its different options, users can perform file copying with ease and efficiency. The Tree command, on the other hand, provides a quick and easy way to view the directory structure of the filesystem.

With these commands at your disposal, managing and manipulating files and directories in Linux has never been easier.

3) Verification of Copied Files and Directories

Copying files and directories is a basic task that any Linux user has to perform many times. It may happen that during the copying process, some files or directories may not be copied properly or completely.

To ensure that all files and directories are copied correctly, users can perform verification of the copied files and directories.

Verifying Copied Single File:

To verify that a single file is copied correctly or not, we can use the diff command.

The diff command compares the content of two files and returns if they match. To check if a file is correct after copying, use the following steps:


Copy a file using the CP command. 2.

Use the diff command to compare the original and copied files.


If the output of the diff command is empty, it means both files are identical.

The following command is an example of how to use the diff command:


diff /path/to/original_file /path/to/copied_file


If the command outputs nothing, it means that both files are identical.

Verifying Copied Multiple Files and Directories:

When copying multiple files and directories, it can be done using recursive copying with the help of the CP command. However, to verify that all files and directories are copied correctly, we can use the md5sum command, which is a cryptographic hash function.

It is used to generate a unique fingerprint or checksum of a file’s content. This fingerprint is unique for each file, and even if there is a minor change in the file, the resulting hash will be entirely different.

Here’s how to use it:

1. Copy the files and directories to a new location.

2. Launch the terminal window and navigate to the original directory holding the files and directories.

3. Run the following command in terminal to obtain the md5sum of all the files and directories:


find .

-type f -exec md5sum ‘{}’ ;


4. Compare the hash values obtained through the above command with the hash values of the copied files and directories.

If all the hash values match, we can be assured that all the copied files and directories are correct.

4) Conclusion

To sum it up, the CP command is a useful command in Linux, which allows users to copy files and directories. By using its various options, users can customize the copying process.

To ensure that all the files and directories are copied correctly and completely, verification of copied files and directories is essential. It helps prevent data loss and data corruption.

The diff command can be used to verify the correctness of a single copied file, while the md5sum command can verify the correctness of multiple copied files and directories. In case of any queries or doubts, users can always refer to the Linux manual page for respective commands or contact the Linux community or support team for assistance.

In conclusion, the CP command is a powerful tool in Linux that enables users to copy files and directories with ease and efficiency. It offers various options for copying, such as copying single and multiple files to a new location or copying directories with -R flag.

It also provides backup and confirmation options to assure safe copying. However, it’s essential to verify the copied files and directories to avoid data loss and corruption.

The diff command verifies the correctness of a single copied file, while md5sum verifies multiple copied files and directories. A solid understanding of the CP command and verification methods can improve productivity and prevent data loss.

Remember to always use caution and double-check the copied data to avoid any issues.

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