Linux Tactic

Mastering String Manipulation in Bash: 4 Easy Ways to Get String Length

Get the Length of a String in Bash with Ease

Have you ever found yourself working on a Bash script and needed to know the length of a particular string? This is a common situation that many scriptwriters face on a daily basis.

Fortunately, there are several ways to get the job done in Bash. In this article, we will explore the different methods for getting the length of a string in Bash.

Method 1: Using ${#string}

The simplest and most common way to get the length of a string in Bash is by using the ${#string} syntax. The syntax returns the length of the string.

Here is how to use it:

1. Define the string:

my_string=”Hello, World!”


Get the length of the string:

echo ${#my_string}

Output: 13

Method 2: Using expr command

The expr command computes the length of a string. Here is how to use it:


Define the string:

my_string=”Hello, World!”

2. Compute the length of the string:

expr length “$my_string”

Output: 13

Note: You can also use the expr index command to count the number of characters in a string:

expr index “$my_string” “l”

Output: 3

Method 3: Using awk command

The awk command can also be used to compute the length of a string.

Here is how to use it:

1. Define the string:

my_string=”Hello, World!”


Print the length of the string:

echo $my_string | awk ‘{print length($0)}’

Output: 13

Method 4: Using wc command

Finally, the wc command can be used to count the number of characters in a string. Here is how to use it:


Define the string:

my_string=”Hello, World!”

2. Count the number of characters in the string:

echo -n $my_string | wc -m

Output: 13

Note: The -n option ensures that no newline character is added at the end of the string.

Using ${#string} to Get String Length in Bash

The ${#string} syntax is the most commonly used method in Bash for getting the length of a string. It is widely preferred because it is short and simple.

To extract the length of a string with ${#string}, all you need to do is to enclose the variable in curly braces and add the # character in front of it. Example:


Define the string:

my_string=”This is a sample string.”

2. Extract the string length with ${#my_string}

echo ${#my_string}

Output: 24

Saving string length to another variable

It is often useful to store the length of a string in a variable for later use. To do this, you can assign the ${#string} syntax to a variable.

Here is how it works:

1. Define the string:

my_string=”This is a sample string.”


Save the string length to another variable:


3. Print the string length with the new variable:

echo $str_len

Output: 24

In conclusion, getting the length of a string is an essential task in Bash scripting.

There are different methods available to compute the length of a string. From using the ${#string} syntax to the wc command, each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Choose the method that best suits your needs. Hopefully, this article has given you an insight into how to get the length of a string in Bash with ease.

3) Using expr Command to Get String Length in Bash

The expr command in Bash is an old school yet powerful tool for string manipulation. It can be used to compute the length of a string, just like the ${#string} syntax we discussed earlier.

The expr length command is specifically designed to count the number of characters in a string. Here’s how to use it.

Using expr length to get length of a string

To get the length of a string using the expr command, you need to pass the string as an argument to the length sub-command. Here is an example:


Define the string

my_string=”This is a string”

2. Get the length of the string:

expr length “$my_string”

Output: 16

Note: The expr command treats spaces as characters, so they are also included in the count.

Storing length in a variable using command substitution

Similar to the ${#string} syntax, you can save the length of a string returned by the expr command into a variable using command substitution. Here’s how to do it:


Define the string

my_string=”This is a string”

2. Save the length of the string into a variable:

length=$(expr length “$my_string”)


Print the variable to confirm that it is working correctly:

echo $length

Output: 16

Since command substitution runs a command in a sub-shell and replaces it with its standard output, you can pass the expr command’s output to a variable directly.

4) Using awk Command to Get String Length in Bash

If you prefer to use the awk command instead, you can achieve the same result by piping the echo command’s output to awk. Here’s how to do it:

Using echo command and pipe redirection with awk

1. Define the string

my_string=”This is a string”


Get the length of the string using awk:

echo $my_string | awk ‘{print length}’

Output: 16

The awk command is powerful and can perform more complex string manipulation operations. In the example above, we pass the string as input to echo and pipe the output to awk.

The awk command prints the length of the string using the length function. By default, the echo command adds a newline character at the end of the output.

To suppress this behavior, we can use the -n option with echo. In conclusion, when working with strings in Bash, you’ll often need to get their length.

The ${#string} syntax, expr length command, and the awk command provide different methods to achieve this goal. Which method to choose depends on your preference and the string manipulation operations you want to perform.

We covered all three methods in this article and how you can store the length of a string in a variable using command substitution. With this knowledge, you should be able to handle any string manipulation-related task you encounter while writing Bash scripts.

5) Using wc Command to Get String Length in Bash

The wc command is a powerful tool in the Bash shell that can be used to count words, lines, and characters in a file. It can also be used to get the length of a string.

Suppose you don’t want to use the ${#string} syntax, the expr command, or the awk command to get the length of a string. In that case, you can use the wc command with the -m option to get the character count.

Let’s learn how.

Using -m option with wc command to get character count

The -m option with the wc command returns the character count of a string. To use it, you need to pass the string value to the command using standard input or through a file.

Here is an example:

1. Define the string

my_string=”This is a string”


Get the character count using the wc command:

echo -n $my_string | wc -m

Output: 16

Note: The -n option with the echo command is used to suppress the newline character. If you don’t use it, the count will be one more than the actual string length.

Using command substitution to store string length in a variable

You can use command substitution to get the length of a string using the wc command as well. Here’s how to do it:


Define the string

my_string=”This is a string”

2. Use command substitution to run wc -m on the string:

length=$(echo -n “$my_string” | wc -m)


Print the variable to confirm it is working correctly:

echo $length

Output: 16

The command substitution syntax is similar to using expr or the ${#string} syntax. With the -m option, wc -m returns the character count of the string, which is then saved to the variable.

In conclusion, the wc command offers a simple and effective way to get the length of a string in Bash by counting the number of characters. While it’s not as popular as some of the other methods, it’s a great alternative if you prefer to use it.

We have highlighted how you can get the character count of a string in Bash using the -m option and store its value in a variable using command substitution. Now you have one more tool in your arsenal for efficient string manipulation with Bash.

In summary, getting the length of a string is a fundamental operation when working with Bash scripts. This article has discussed the different methods to achieve this goal, namely the ${#string} syntax, the expr command, the awk command, and the wc command.

We have also covered how to store the length of a string in a variable using command substitution. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice depends on your preference and the string manipulation operations you want to perform.

By understanding these methods, you have learned how to tackle any string manipulation-related task you encounter in Bash scripts. Remember to choose which method works best for your needs, and use the appropriate tools to achieve your desired results.

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