Linux Tactic

Mastering String Data: Comprehensive Guide to Splitting in Bash

Splitting String Data in Bash: A Comprehensive GuideAs a programmer or system administrator, you may encounter situations where you need to manipulate text data. In Bash, the popular scripting language used primarily in Linux and Unix environments, splitting string data is a common activity.

The process entails breaking a string into smaller components based on a specified delimiter. This article will explore various methods of splitting string data in Bash, including the use of the $IFS variable, reading white space, specific character, and multi-character delimiter data, and splitting string data without $IFS.

Splitting String Data with the IFS Variable

In Bash, $IFS is an internal field separator variable that defines the separator used by Bash when splitting strings. By setting the values of the $IFS variable, you can change what Bash recognizes as delimiters when splitting string data.

For instance, if you wanted to set the delimiter to a colon (:), you would write the following code:




In this case, Bash would use a colon to separate and split strings.

Splitting String Data with White Space

Sometimes, you may want to split a string with white space. In Bash, the read command is a useful tool.

The read command accepts one or more variables and assigns input values separated by a delimiter specified by the IFS variable. For example, the following script splits a string into an array using white space:



STRING=”Splitting this string with white space”

read -ra ADDR <<< "$STRING"

for i in “${ADDR[@]}”; do

echo $i



In this example, the script reads the content of the STRING variable, splits it using the default white space delimiter, and assigns the values to an array named ADDR. This script then loops through the elements of the array, printing each as output.

Splitting String Data with a Specific Character

It may be necessary to split a string using a specific character, such as a comma. In Bash, you can use the same read command as above, but this time specifying the delimiter using the IFS variable.

Here’s an example of how to accomplish this:





read -a ADDR <<< "$STRING"

for i in “${ADDR[@]}”; do

echo $i



Here, we set the $IFS variable to the comma (,), and the script reads the contents of the STRING variable, splits it using the comma delimiter, and assigns the values to the ADDR array. The script then prints each element of the array as output using a for loop.

Splitting String Data without Using $IFS

Sometimes it may not be practical or possible to use the $IFS variable to split strings. However, Bash provides a readarray command that allows users to split string data without the $IFS variable.

Here’s an example of how to use readarray to split a string with a multi-character delimiter:





readarray -d “$delimiter” -t ADDR <<< "$STRING"

for i in “${ADDR[@]}”; do

echo $i



In this script, the readarray command reads the contents of the STRING variable and uses the multi-character delimiter “–” to split the data. The script then assigns the values to an array named ADDR, which we then loop through to print each element.

Examples of Splitting String Data in Bash

Here are some practical examples of how you can use the different methods of splitting string data in Bash:

Example 1: Splitting String with White Space

Suppose you have a list of directories you want to access from a Bash script. Here is an example of how you can split each directory name using white space:



DIR=”/usr/local /etc/init.d /var/log”

read -ra ADDR <<< "$DIR"

for i in “${ADDR[@]}”; do

echo $i



In this example, we set the DIR variable with a list of directories separated by a space. The script reads the DIR variable, splits its contents using the default white space delimiter, assigns the values to an array named ADDR, and then loops through the array, printing each directory name.

Example 2: Splitting String with Specific Character

Suppose you want to process a list of email addresses in a text file. Here is an example of how you can split each email address using a comma:




while read -r line; do

read -ra ADDR <<< "$line"

for i in “${ADDR[@]}”; do

echo $i


done < emails.txt


In this example, we set the $IFS variable to a comma (,), use the read command to read each line from the emails.txt file, split each line using the comma delimiter, assign the values to an array named ADDR, and then loop through the array, printing each email address. Example 3: Splitting String Without Using $IFS

Suppose you have a list of file names you want to access from a Bash script and split by a colon delimiter.

Here is an example of how to accomplish that using readarray without using $IFS:





readarray -d “$delimiter” -t ADDR <<< "$FILENAMES"

for i in “${ADDR[@]}”; do

echo $i



In this example, we create a string variable named FILENAMES that contains a list of file names we want to split and access from a Bash script. The delimiter variable contains the colon delimiter we will use to split the string.

We then use the readarray command with the -d and -t flags to split the FILENAMES variable using a colon as a delimiter and assigning the values to an array named ADDR, which we then loop through and print each file name. Example 4: Splitting String with a Multi-Character Delimiter

Suppose you want to parse a log file line by line, splitting each line with a multi-character delimiter.

Here’s how to accomplish this:





readarray -d “$delimiter” -t ADDR <<< "$LOG"

for i in “${ADDR[@]}”; do

echo $i



In this example, we set the LOG variable to a sample log file entry, using a comma delimiter to separate fields. We then use the readarray command, specifying the multi-character delimiter as a comma, and assign the values to an array named ADDR.

The final section prints each element of the array on a new line.


Splitting string data in Bash is a common task, especially in programming and system administration. In this article, we explored several methods of splitting string data in Bash, including the use of the $IFS variable, splitting data with white space, specific characters, multi-character delimiters, and no $IFS at all.

Use these methods to split your string data and make your Bash scripts more efficient and effective. In conclusion, splitting string data in Bash is a necessary task for programming and system administration purposes.

This article discussed several methods of splitting string data, including the use of the $IFS variable, splitting data with white space, specific characters, multi-character delimiters, and no $IFS at all. It is essential to understand these methods to make Bash scripts more efficient and effective.

Therefore, implementing these techniques in your Bash scripts can help improve their functionality, making them more useful and error-free. Remember to consider the specific needs of your project and choose a method that suits it best.

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