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Mastering Flask: A Beginner’s Guide to Building Web Applications on Linux Mint 21

Introduction to Flask Python Framework

Python is one of the most popular programming languages, and it is widely used for web development. Flask is a Python web framework that has gained popularity for its simplicity and flexibility.

It is a micro-framework, meaning that it is lightweight and easy to use. In this article, we will dive into Flask and its advantages as well as walk you through the process of installing Flask on your Linux Mint 21 machine.

Advantages of Flask Python Framework

Flask has several advantages that make it an excellent choice for web development. Firstly, Flask is easy to maintain.

It has a simple but powerful syntax, which makes it easy to read and write. This simplicity also makes it easier to debug, which is an essential aspect of web development.

Flask also has excellent security features that make it a secure option for web development. Secondly, Flask is beginner-friendly.

It is free and open-source, which means that anyone can use it without any financial implications. Its simple syntax makes it easy to learn for beginners, and it provides a great starting point for anyone looking to learn web development.

Installing Flask on Linux Mint 21

Before we start, ensure that you have Linux Mint 21 installed on your machine. Now, let’s begin by checking the version of Python 3 installed on your machine.

Checking Python 3 version

You can check the version of Python 3 installed on your machine by opening a terminal and typing the following command:

python3 –version

This command will display the version of Python 3 installed on your machine. Installing Python virtual environment and pip

The next step is to install the virtual environment and pip.

Virtual environment allows you to create a separate environment for your project and pip is a package manager used to install packages. Type the following command to install virtual environment and pip:

sudo apt install python3-venv python3-pip

Creating a directory and moving to it

Create a project directory and move to it.

Type the following command in the terminal:

mkdir project

cd project

Substitute “project” for a name that makes more sense to your project. Installing Flask framework using pip

With the project directory in place, it’s time to install Flask.

Type the following command in the terminal:

python3 -m venv myenv

source myenv/bin/activate

pip install Flask

The first command creates a Python virtual environment in the project directory called “myenv”. The second command activates the virtual environment, and the third command installs Flask to the virtual environment.

Checking the version of Flask installed

To check if Flask was successfully installed, type the following command in the terminal:

flask –version

This command will display the version number of Flask installed on your machine.


In conclusion, Flask is an excellent choice for web development, providing several advantages such as simplicity, scalability and security. It is also beginner-friendly, making it an ideal option for anyone starting with web development.

Setting up Flask on your Linux Mint 21 machine is straightforward, and by following the steps outlined in this article, you can start building your Flask applications. Keep coding!

Using Flask on Linux Mint 21

Now that we have installed Flask on our Linux Mint 21 machine, it’s time to start using it. In this section, we will create a simple Python program, export the application, and run it in a web browser.

Creating a Python program

Firstly, let’s create a Python file that will display a web page when called. Open your favorite code editor and create a new file called “”.

In the file, add the following code:


from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)


def hello_world():

return ‘Hello, World!’


This code imports the Flask library, creates a Flask object, and defines a function that returns a string when the root URL is requested. We will use this code to create a simple Flask web application.

Exporting the application

Next, we need to export our Flask application by setting the FLASK_APP environment variable. In the terminal, type the following command:




This command sets the FLASK_APP environment variable to the name of our Python file.

Running the Flask application and obtaining IP address and port number

Now, we can run our Flask application by typing the following command in the terminal:


flask run


This command will start the Flask development server and display the IP address and port number where our application can be accessed. In most cases, the IP address will be, which is the localhost address, and the port number will be 5000.

Running the Python file in a web browser

To view our Flask application in a web browser, we need to enter the IP address and port number that was displayed when we ran the application. Open your favorite web browser and enter the following URL in the address bar:



This URL will send a request to our Flask application, and the response will be displayed in the web browser.

In this case, it will be the string “Hello, World!” that we defined in our Python file.


In conclusion, Flask is considered the best Python framework for web application development due to its simplicity, flexibility, and scalability. It is easy to use, making it an ideal choice for beginners, and has features that make it a secure option for web development.

Flask can be installed using the default package manager on Linux Mint 21, making the installation process straightforward. To uninstall Flask if you no longer need it, type the following command in the terminal:


pip uninstall Flask


Overall, by following the steps outlined in this article, you can start building your Flask applications on your Linux Mint 21 machine. Enjoy Flask web development!

Flask Python framework is popular for web application development because of its simplicity, flexibility, and scalability.

Flask is beginner-friendly, easy to maintain, and provides excellent security features. The installation of Flask on Linux Mint 21 is straightforward using the default package manager.

Once installed, creating a Python program, exporting the Flask application, and running it in a web browser can be accomplished with ease. Flask is the best Python framework for web application development, and this article provides an excellent starting point for anyone looking to build web applications using Flask.

So, go ahead and start building remarkable web applications using Flask on Linux Mint 21.

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