Linux Tactic

Mastering File Copying in the Linux Terminal: Tips and Techniques

Linux is an operating system that is popular among developers, system administrators, and computer enthusiasts due to its open-source nature and powerful command-line interface. One of the essential tasks when working with files on Linux is copying the contents from one location to another.

In this article, we will explore several ways to copy file contents in the Linux terminal.

Creating Dummy Files

Before we dive into the different ways to copy files on Linux, it’s important to understand how to create dummy files. A dummy file is a file that doesn’t contain any useful data, but it’s helpful for testing or creating placeholders for other files.

The `touch` command is used to create a dummy file. The basic syntax for the command is as follows:


touch file.txt


This command creates a file named `file.txt` in the current working directory.

If the file already exists, the command updates the timestamp of the file.

Using cp Command for File Copying

The `cp` command is a common way to copy files on Linux. The basic structure of the command is as follows:


cp source_file destination_file


The `source_file` is the file that needs to be copied, and `destination_file` is the location where the copied file will be stored.

Copying Single and Multiple Files

To copy a single file, you can use the `cp` command followed by the path of the source file and the destination file. For instance, to copy a file named `file.txt` from the home directory to the desktop, you can run the following command:


cp /home/user/file.txt /home/user/Desktop/


To copy multiple files, you can specify them one by one after the `cp` command.

Alternatively, you can use a wildcard expression to select the files that match a particular pattern. For instance, to copy all `.txt` files in the current directory to a folder named `backup`, you can run the following command:


cp *.txt backup/


Copying Directories

Copying directories using the `cp` command requires the use of additional flags. One of the most important flags is the `-r` flag, which stands for recursive copying.

Recursive copying means that all the files and subdirectories within the selected directory will be copied. For instance, to copy a directory named `documents` in the home directory to a folder named `backup`, you can use the following command:


cp -r /home/user/documents backup/


Other useful flags for the `cp` command include the `-i` flag, which prompts the user for confirmation before overwriting an existing file, the `-n` flag, which prevents the overwrite of an existing file, and the `-v` flag, which enables verbose mode to display the progress of the copying process.

Using mv Command for Moving Files and Directories

Another way to copy file contents on Linux is to use the `mv` command. The `mv` command can be used to move files and directories as well.

The basic structure of the command is as follows:


mv source_file destination_file


The `source_file` is the file or directory that needs to be moved, and `destination_file` is the location where the moved file or directory will be stored.

Using mv Command for Moving Files

To move a file, you can use the `mv` command followed by the path of the source file and the destination file. For instance, to move a file named `file.txt` from the home directory to the desktop, you can run the following command:


mv /home/user/file.txt /home/user/Desktop/


Using mv Command for Moving Directories

To move a directory, you can use the `mv` command with the `-r` flag to enable recursive moving. For example, to move a directory named `documents` in the home directory to a folder named `backup`, you can use the following command:


mv -r /home/user/documents backup/


Using rsync Command for Advanced File Copying

The `rsync` command is a powerful tool for copying files on Linux. It uses a delta-transfer algorithm that only copies the differences between files instead of copying the entire file.

This makes the copying process faster and more efficient, especially when dealing with large files or directories.

The basic structure of the `rsync` command is as follows:


rsync source_file destination_file


The `source_file` is the file or directory that needs to be copied, and `destination_file` is the location where the copied file or directory will be stored. To copy a file or directory using `rsync`, you can use the basic command structure followed by additional flags and options.

For instance, to copy a directory named `documents` in the home directory to a folder named `backup`, you can use the following command:


rsync -avz /home/user/documents backup/


The `-a` flag enables archive mode, which preserves the metadata and permissions of the files being copied. The `-v` flag enables verbose mode to display the progress of the copying process.

The `-z` flag compresses the data during transfer, reducing the amount of data transmitted over the network.


In this article, we explored several ways to copy file contents in the Linux terminal. We learned how to create dummy files using the `touch` command, how to use the `cp` command for file copying, and how to use the `mv` command for moving files and directories.

We also discussed the advanced `rsync` command and how it can be used for efficient file copying. Armed with this knowledge, you can confidently copy file contents in the Linux terminal and increase your productivity as a developer or system administrator.

Using mv Command for Moving Files and Directories

Moving files and directories is a common task in Linux, and the `mv` command is a helpful tool for this purpose. In this section, we will explore the basic structure of the `mv` command, how to move the contents of directories, and how to move just the contents of a directory.

Basic Structure of mv Command

The basic structure of the `mv` command is as follows:


mv source_file destination_file


The `source_file` is the file or directory that needs to be moved, and `destination_file` is the location where the moved file or directory will be stored. For instance, to move a file named `file.txt` from the home directory to the desktop, you can run the following command:


mv /home/user/file.txt /home/user/Desktop/


Moving Contents of Directories

To move the contents of a directory, you can specify the path of the source directory followed by the path of the target directory. For instance, to move the contents of a directory named `documents` in the home directory to a folder named `backup`, you can run the following command:


mv /home/user/documents/* backup/


The `*` wildcard expression selects all files and directories in the `documents` directory.

Note that this command doesn’t move the `documents` directory itself.

Moving Just Contents of a Directory

To move just the contents of a directory without moving the directory itself, you can use the `-t` flag followed by the path of the target directory. For instance, to move all files and directories in the `documents` directory to a folder named `backup`, you can run the following command:


mv -t backup /home/user/documents/*


This command moves all the contents of the `documents` directory to the `backup` directory without moving the `documents` directory itself.

Using rsync Command for Advanced File Copying

The `rsync` command is a powerful tool for copying files on Linux. In this section, we will explore the basic structure of the `rsync` command, popular arguments used with `rsync`, how to copy directories using `rsync`, and how to use the delta-transmission feature of `rsync` for efficient file copying.

Basic Structure of rsync Command

The basic structure of the `rsync` command is as follows:


rsync source_file destination_file


The `source_file` is the file or directory that needs to be copied, and `destination_file` is the location where the copied file or directory will be stored. For instance, to copy a directory named `documents` in the home directory to a folder named `backup`, you can use the following command:


rsync -avz /home/user/documents backup/


The `-a` flag enables archive mode, which preserves the metadata and permissions of the files being copied.

The `-v` flag enables verbose mode to display the progress of the copying process. The `-z` flag compresses the data during transfer, reducing the amount of data transmitted over the network.

Popular rsync Arguments

The `rsync` command has several useful arguments that can be used with it. Some of the most popular arguments include:

– `-v` Flag: This flag enables verbose mode and displays the progress of the copying process.

– `-r` Flag: This flag enables recursive copying and copies all the files and subdirectories within the selected directory. – `-z` Flag: This flag compresses the data during transfer, reducing the amount of data transmitted over the network.

– `-a` Flag: This flag enables archive mode and preserves the metadata and permissions of the files being copied. – `-n` Flag: This flag performs a dry run and shows what would be copied without actually copying any files.

– `–delete` Flag: This flag deletes any files in the destination directory that are not present in the source directory. – `–no-whole-file` Flag: This flag uses the delta-transfer algorithm to only copy the differences between files and not the entire file.

– `–remove-source-file` Flag: This flag removes the source file after it has been successfully copied.

Directory Copying with rsync

Copying directories with `rsync` is easy using the `rsync` command followed by the path of the source directory and the path of the destination directory. For instance, to copy a directory named `documents` in the home directory to a folder named `backup`, you can use the following command:


rsync -avz /home/user/documents backup/


Delta-Transmission in rsync

One of the most powerful features of `rsync` is the delta-transmission algorithm. This algorithm copies only the differences between files instead of copying the entire file.

This makes copying faster and more efficient, especially when dealing with large files or directories. To use the delta-transmission algorithm, run the following command:


rsync -avz –delete /path/to/source /path/to/destination


The `-avz` flags enable archive mode, verbose mode, and compression.

The `–delete` flag deletes any files in the destination directory that are not present in the source directory.

Dry Run Feature in rsync

The `rsync` command has a dry run feature that allows you to test the command without actually copying any files. This is helpful when you want to make sure that you have the correct source and destination directories, and you want to see what files would be copied before actually copying them.

To perform a dry run, append the `-n` flag to the `rsync` command. For instance, to perform a dry run of copying a directory named `documents` in the home directory to a folder named `backup`, you can use the following command:


rsync -avzn /home/user/documents backup/


Performing Move Operation with rsync

With the `rsync` command, you can perform a move operation by copying files or directories and deleting the source files or directories once the copying is complete. To perform a move operation, use the `–remove-source-file` flag.

For example, to move a file named `file.txt` from the home directory to the desktop, you can run the following command:


rsync -avzh –remove-source-files /home/user/file.txt /home/user/Desktop/



In this article, we learned how to use the `mv` command for moving files and directories, as well as how to move just the contents of a directory. We also explored the powerful `rsync` command and how it can be used for advanced file copying.

We discussed the basic structure of the `rsync` command, popular arguments used with it, how to copy directories using `rsync`, how to use the delta-transmission feature for efficient file copying, and how to perform a move operation with `rsync`. With this knowledge, you can confidently move files and directories and copy file contents in Linux.

In conclusion, this article explored various methods to copy file contents in the Linux terminal. By understanding the basic structure of the `cp` and `mv` commands, users can effectively copy files and directories.

Additionally, the advanced features of the `rsync` command, such as delta-transmission and dry run, provide efficient file copying capabilities. Whether you’re a developer, system administrator, or computer enthusiast, mastering these techniques will enhance your productivity and effectiveness in managing files on Linux.

So, go ahead and try out these commands to streamline your file copying tasks and make the most out of the Linux terminal’s power. Happy copying!

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