Linux Tactic

Mastering Environment Variables in Linux: A Guide to Efficient Configuration

Setting Environment Variables in Linux: Understanding Their Importance and Types

Are you trying to configure your Linux system to work efficiently with all your applications? Do you need to modify the behavior of certain applications by configuring environment variables?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this article is for you. In this article, we will explore the concept of environment variables, and how you can set them in your Linux system.

Understanding Environment Variables

In Linux, environment variables are used to store information that can influence the behavior of certain applications or the system in general. They are essentially a set of dynamic values that can be accessed by programs running on your system.

For instance, some applications may use environment variables to determine the language, time zone, or the system’s default shell. Some applications may also need to know where certain libraries are located, or where to look for auxiliary files.

Setting and Unsetting Environment Variables

To set an environment variable, you need to specify its name and its value. In Linux, you can set an environment variable for your current terminal session using the “export” command followed by the variable name and its value.

For example, to set the “MY_VAR” environment variable to “my_value”, you can use the following command:

export MY_VAR=my_value

To unset an environment variable, you can use the “unset” command followed by the variable name. Here’s an example:

unset MY_VAR

Setting Environment Variables Permanently

To make environment variables persistent across terminal sessions, you need to define them in a configuration file, such as the “.bashrc” file in your home directory. This file is executed every time you start a new terminal session, so any variables defined here will be present in all your future sessions.

To define a persistent environment variable, you can simply add the “export” command to your .bashrc file, like this:

export MY_VAR=my_value

Types of Environment Variables

There are two types of environment variables: predefined variables and user-defined variables.

Predefined Environment Variables in Ubuntu

Ubuntu comes with several predefined environment variables that you can use in your scripts or applications. These variables provide some information about the system and its configuration, such as the user name, home directory, current working directory, default shell, language, and path.

Here are some examples:

– USER: This variable stores the name of the current user. – HOME: This variable stores the path to the current user’s home directory.

– DISPLAY: This variable determines the display that X11 programs should use. – PWD: This variable stores the current working directory.

– SHELL: This variable stores the path to the default shell for the current user. – LANG: This variable stores the language used by the system.

– PATH: This variable stores the directories that the system should search for executable files.

Environment Variables Influencing Application Behavior

Besides predefined variables, some environment variables can influence the behavior of specific applications. For example, LD_LIBRARY_PATH can be used to specify the directories that the system should search for shared libraries.

Similarly, LD_PRELOAD can be used to load a specific library before other libraries. Here are some commonly used environment variables that can affect application behavior:

– LC_ALL: This variable sets the locale to be used by all applications.

– LD_LIBRARY_PATH: This variable specifies the directories to search for shared libraries. – PATH: This variable specifies the directories to search for executable files.

– LD_PRELOAD: This variable specifies the libraries to load before others.


In conclusion, environment variables are a critical aspect of Linux system administration. They allow you to modify the behavior of your applications and system, making it more efficient.

In this article, we have covered the definition and usage of environment variables, how to set and unset them, how to set them permanently, and the types of environment variables. With this knowledge, you can now customize your Linux system to fit your specific needs.

Advantages of Using Environment Variables in Linux

Environment variables are dynamic values that provide information about your Linux system or modify the behavior of certain applications. They offer a wide range of benefits, from cutting down verbosity to providing an efficient development workflow without the need to modify source code or binaries.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the advantages of using environment variables in your Linux system.

Cutting Down Verbosity and Bringing Ease of Use

Normally, applications and commands require a lot of information to run properly. However, typing long command lines with multiple arguments can be tedious.

That’s where environment variables come in handy. By setting environment variables, you can avoid typing the same information repeatedly, making your work easier and less prone to errors.

For instance, setting the PATH variable allows you to execute commands installed in specific directories, without having to specify the full path of the command. Similarly, setting the LC_ALL variable controls the language used by the system, which cuts down on the amount of time users spend using commands and getting output.

Making Development Workflow Better

In the world of software development, environment variables play a crucial role in ensuring efficient development workflows. With the help of environment variables, developers can create workflows that are easy to maintain and use.

For example, setting the environment variable that specifies the location of virtual environments in Python enables developers to work on multiple projects with different sets of dependencies without any issues. Additionally, environment variables can be used to specify the path to executables and binaries needed during the build process, ensuring that the build is successful every time.

Running Tweaked Commands and Applications Without Modifying Source and Binaries

Linux is all about customization, and environment variables are a great way to customize your system. By tweaking the behavior of commands or applications through environment variables, you can achieve a high degree of customization and ensure that they work according to your requirements.

For instance, some applications require certain environment variables to be set to work correctly, such as the JAVA_HOME environment variable, which specifies the path to the Java installation directory. By setting this variable, you can ensure that any Java-based application you run uses the correct version of the Java Virtual Machine.

Setting Environment Variables in Different Contexts

When it comes to setting environment variables on your Linux system, there are several options available depending on the context in which you want to set them. Here are three of the most common ways to set environment variables:

Setting Variable for Current Shell Session

To set environment variables for the current shell session, you can simply use the export command, followed by the variable name and value. The syntax is as follows:

export VARIABLE=value

For example, to set the MY_VAR environment variable to “test”, you can type:

export MY_VAR=test

Setting Variable for Current Shell and Child Processes

To set an environment variable that applies to the current shell as well as any child processes, you can use the export command with the “-p” option, like this:

export -p VARIABLE=value

For example, to set the MY_VAR environment variable to “test” for the current shell and all child processes, you can type:

export -p MY_VAR=test

Setting Variable System-Wide

If you want to set an environment variable that applies to all users and processes on your system, you can add it to the /etc/environment file. This file contains environment variables that are set system-wide and are available to all users and processes.

To add a new environment variable to the /etc/environment file, follow these steps:

1. Open the /etc/environment file using a text editor with root privileges:

sudo nano /etc/environment


Add the new variable to the file in the format VARIABLE=value:


3. Save the changes to the file and exit the text editor.

4. To ensure that the system reads the newly-added variable, either log out and log back in, or source the /etc/environment file by running:

source /etc/environment


In this article, we have explored the many advantages of using environment variables in Linux, including cutting down verbosity, making development workflows better, and customizing command and application behavior. We have also discussed the different ways in which you can set environment variables in your Linux system, from setting them for the current shell session to setting them system-wide.

In essence, environment variables play a crucial role in making your Linux system more efficient and user-friendly.

Verifying and Using Environment Variables in Linux

Environment variables are used to modify the behavior of your Linux system or specific applications. They can help you to customize your environment, create more efficient workflows, and extend the functionality of your system.

In this article, we will explore how to verify and use environment variables in your Linux system, as well as some examples of predefined variables in Ubuntu.

Checking if Environment Variable has been Set Correctly

Before you use an environment variable, it is important to confirm that it has been set correctly. There are several ways to check if an environment variable has been set in your Linux system.

One way is to use the “echo” command to output the value of the environment variable. For example, to check if the MY_VAR environment variable has been set correctly, you can run the following command:

echo $MY_VAR

If the variable has not been set, the system will display a blank line, while if it has been set correctly, the value of the variable will be displayed.

Using Environment Variables to Influence Application Behavior

Environment variables can be used to influence the behavior of applications in various ways. For example, you can use the LC_ALL variable to change the default locale used by the system.

This can affect the language used by applications, as well as the way dates and times are represented. To set the LC_ALL environment variable to a specific value, use the export command as follows:

export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8

This sets the LC_ALL variable to the US English language, with UTF-8 encoding.

Another example of how environment variables can influence application behavior is the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. This variable specifies the directories to search for shared libraries that are needed by an application.

To set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to include the directory “/usr/local/lib”, use the export command as follows:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib

This sets the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to include the directory /usr/local/lib, which can contain any shared libraries needed by applications.

Predefined Environment Variables in Ubuntu and their Usage

In Ubuntu, there are several predefined environment variables that are set by default and can be used to influence the behavior of your system. Here are some commonly used environment variables in Ubuntu and their usage:

– HOME: This variable specifies the path to the user’s home directory.

– PATH: This variable specifies the directories that the system should search for executable files. – LANG: This variable specifies the current language used by the system.

– SHELL: This variable specifies the default shell for the user. – DISPLAY: This variable specifies the display server used by the X-windows system.

– TERM: This variable specifies the terminal type used by the user. – USER: This variable specifies the name of the current user.

– LOGNAME: This variable specifies the login name of the current user. – HOSTNAME: This variable specifies the hostname of the system.

– PS1: This variable specifies the prompt used by the shell. – PWD: This variable specifies the current working directory.

For example, to display the current working directory in the shell prompt, you can set the PS1 variable to include the value of the PWD variable. Here’s an example:

export PS1=’u@h:w$ ‘

This sets the prompt to display the username, hostname, and current working directory.


In this article, we’ve discussed how to verify and use environment variables in your Linux system, as well as some examples of predefined variables in Ubuntu. By using environment variables, you can customize your environment, create efficient workflows, and extend the functionality of your system.

So, next time you’re working with your Linux system, remember the power of environment variables, and how they can make your work easier and more productive. Overall, this article discussed the importance of environment variables in Linux and provided a detailed exploration of various aspects related to them.

Firstly, it highlighted their definition and usage, emphasizing how they can modify application behavior and system settings. Secondly, it explained how to set and unset environment variables, both temporarily and permanently.

The article also addressed the advantages of using environment variables, such as reducing verbosity, improving development workflows, and allowing customized application behavior. Additionally, it provided insights into setting environment variables in different contexts, such as the current shell session, child processes, and system-wide.

Lastly, the article mentioned the importance of verifying environment variable settings and showcased examples of predefined variables in Ubuntu. By understanding and effectively utilizing environment variables, users can streamline their Linux experience, enhance application behavior, and customize their system to suit their specific needs.

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