Linux Tactic

Mastering awk: Calculate Sum of Numeric Data in Bash

Bash is a powerful shell scripting language used for automation in Linux and Unix systems. One of the most commonly used tools in Bash programming is “awk,” a text processing utility that can be used to manipulate and analyze data.

“Awk” is a versatile tool that can be used for a wide range of tasks including calculating sums of columns, filtering data, and performing various other data operations. In this article, we will explore how to calculate the sum of a column in a tabular format using “awk” script in Bash.

We will also look at how “awk” can be used to perform complex operations on text files and CSV files. Calculating Sum of Column Using “awk” Script in Bash

Example 1: Simple “awk” Command

Suppose we have a file with numeric data in a tabular format, like the one shown below:


1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9


To calculate the sum of the first column in this file, we can use the following “awk” command:


awk ‘{ sum += $1 } END { print sum }’ file.txt


The above command will output the sum of the first column, which is 12. Explanation:

– The “awk” command starts by initializing a variable called “sum” to 0.

– For each line of the input file, the value of the first column is added to the “sum” variable. – Finally, the total value of “sum” is printed using the “END” statement in “awk”.

Example 2: Simple “awk” Command with NR

Suppose we have a CSV file with heading data, like the one shown below:


Name, Age, Gender

John, 23, Male

Jane, 27, Female


To calculate the sum of the “Age” column in this file, we can use the following “awk” command:


awk -F, ‘NR>1 { sum += $2 } END { print sum }’ file.csv



– The “-F,” option specifies the field separator to be a comma. – The “NR>1” condition ensures that the first line (which contains the headers) is excluded from the calculation.

– For each line of the input file, the value of the second column (Age) is added to the “sum” variable. – Finally, the total value of “sum” is printed using the “END” statement in “awk”.

Example 3: Simple “awk” Command with FS

Suppose we have a text file with numeric data and a specific column separator, like the one shown below:


1 : 2 : 3

4 : 5 : 6

7 : 8 : 9


To calculate the sum of the second column in this file, we can use the following “awk” command:


awk -F: ‘{ sum += $2 } END { print sum }’ file.txt



– The “-F:” option specifies the field separator to be a colon. – For each line of the input file, the value of the second column is added to the “sum” variable.

– Finally, the total value of “sum” is printed using the “END” statement in “awk”. Usage of “awk” Script in Bash

Apart from calculating sums of columns, “awk” can be used for a wide range of data processing tasks.

Some of the common tasks that can be performed using “awk” include:

1. Filtering data based on specific criteria


Reformatting data to a specific layout

3. Performing mathematical operations on numeric data


Extracting specific fields from a text file

5. Splitting text into multiple fields based on a specific delimiter

As seen in the examples above, “awk” is very powerful and versatile.

It can be used to manipulate and analyze text files and CSV files, making it an essential tool for any Bash programmer.


In this article, we have explored how to calculate the sum of columns using “awk” script in Bash. We have looked at some simple examples of “awk” commands and explained how they work.

We have also discussed some of the ways in which “awk” can be used for data processing and manipulation. By mastering “awk,” Bash programmers can become more efficient and productive in their work, and be able to handle a wide range of complex data processing tasks.In our previous article, we explored how to perform the sum of a column in a tabular format using “awk” script in Bash.

In this article, we will expand our understanding of calculations with “awk” and explore how we can calculate the sum of numeric data from both a text file and a CSV file using “awk” commands in Bash. Example 1: Calculating Sum of Numeric Data from a Text File

Suppose we have a text file with numeric data, like the one shown below:


apple, 20, pear, 30, banana, 40

strawberry, 50, raspberry, 40, blueberry, 30


To calculate the sum of the second column, which contains the numeric data, we can use the following “awk” command:


awk ‘{ sum += $2 } END { print sum }’ file.txt



– The command starts by initializing a variable called “sum” to 0.

– For each line of the input file, the value of the second column is added to the “sum” variable. – Finally, the total value of “sum” is printed using the “END” statement in “awk”.

The output of the above command would be 70, which is the summation value of all the numeric data in the second column of the file. Example 2: Calculating Sum of Numeric Data from a CSV File

Suppose we have a CSV file with heading data and numeric data separated by commas, like the one shown below:


name, age, score

John, 23, 95

Jane, 27, 85


To calculate the sum of the third column, which contains the numeric data, we can use the following “awk” command:


awk -F ‘,’ ‘NR > 1{ sum += $3 } END { print sum }’ file.csv



– The “-F ‘,'” option specifies the field separator to be a comma.

– The “NR > 1” condition ensures that the first line (which contains the headers) is not included in the calculation. – For each line of the input file, the value of the third column (score) is added to the “sum” variable.

– Finally, the total value of “sum” is printed using the “END” statement in “awk”. The output of the above command would be 180, which is the summation value of all the numeric data in the third column of the file.

Additional Tips for Working with “awk”

1. Using Awk to Calculate Average and Sum: Awk commands can not only calculate the sum of numeric data but also calculate the average of a column.

This can be achieved by adding a division operation after the summation. For example, to calculate the average score of the example CSV file we worked on above, we can modify the command as:


awk -F ‘,’ ‘NR > 1{ sum += $3 } END { print sum/NR-1 }’ file.csv


The output should be 90, which is the average score of all the students.

2. Regular Expressions in Awk: Awk allows us to use regular expressions to filter data.

For example, if we want to sum only the values which are greater than 5 in the second column of a text file, we can use the following command:


awk ‘$2 > 5 {sum += $2} END {print sum}’ file.txt


This command ensures that only values greater than 5 are added to the “sum” variable, and the final summation value is printed. 3.

Using Awk to Format Reports: Awk is also useful for formatting reports from data. For instance, to produce a report that gives the sum of sales for each month in a text file, we can use the following command:


awk -F ‘,’ ‘{sum[$1] += $2} END {for (i in sum) {print i, sum[i]}}’ file.txt


This command creates an array “sum” that has an index value of the month and a value that is the sum of the sales for that month.

The “for” loop then prints out the index value and sum of the sales for each month.


In this article, we have expanded our understanding of calculations with “awk” by examining how to calculate the sum of numeric data from both a text file and a CSV file using “awk” commands in Bash. We have also explored additional tips for working with “awk” that can make data processing more efficient and productive.

By mastering “awk,” Bash programmers can perform complex data operations swiftly and with a high level of accuracy.In the previous examples, we have looked at how to calculate the sum of numeric data in text files and CSV files using “awk” commands in Bash. However, in some cases, the text files may have a column separator other than commas, making it necessary to specify the separator explicitly while using “awk” scripts.

In this article, we will look at an example that shows how to calculate the sum of numeric data from a text file that has a specified column separator. Example 3: Calculating Sum of Numeric Data from a Text File with Column Separator

Suppose we have a text file with numeric data separated by the column separator ‘|’, like the one shown below:






To calculate the sum of the second column, which contains the numeric data, we can use the following “awk” command:


awk -F ‘|’ ‘{sum += $2} END {print sum}’ file.txt



– The “-F ‘|'” option specifies the field separator to be ‘|’.

– For each line of the input file, the value of the second column is added to the “sum” variable. – Finally, the total value of “sum” is printed using the “END” statement in “awk”.

The output of the above command would be 90, which is the summation value of all the numeric data in the second column of the file. Additional Tips for Working with “awk” and a Custom Column Separator


Using Awk with Multiple Column Separators: Sometimes, text files may have multiple column separators. To handle such situations, we can specify multiple column separators using a regular expression.

For example, if a text file had columns separated by either ‘|’ or ‘,’ we could use the following command:


awk -F ‘[|,]’ ‘{sum += $2} END {print sum}’ file.txt


This command would sum the numeric data in the second column irrespective of whether the separator is ‘,’ or ‘|’. 2.

Using a Custom Column Separator for a Script: When writing a bash script that needs to read input from a text file, it is convenient to specify a custom separator for the file. This is achieved by using the “-v” option to pass the separator value as a command-line argument to the “awk” command.

For example, to read a text file “file.txt” with a ‘|’ separator and sum the numeric data in the second column, we can use the following command:


awk -F “${separator}” ‘{sum += $2} END {print sum}’ file.txt


Here, we are passing the separator value as a command-line argument using the “-v” option.


In this article, we have looked at an example that demonstrates how to calculate the sum of numeric data from a text file that has a specified column separator. We have seen how to use the “awk” command with a custom separator, as well as additional tips for working with multiple column separators.

By mastering these techniques, Bash programmers can handle a wide range of data processing tasks, even when faced with complex datasets. “awk” is a powerful tool for automation and can save programmers a lot of time and effort, making it an essential skill for anyone working with text files in Bash.

In this article, we explored how to calculate the sum of numeric data from text files and CSV files using “awk” commands in Bash. We saw examples of calculating the sum of columns in both tabular and CSV formats.

Additionally, we learned how to handle text files with custom column separators. By mastering “awk,” Bash programmers can efficiently manipulate and analyze data, saving time and effort in various data processing tasks.

From filtering and reformatting data to performing mathematical operations and extracting specific fields, “awk” is an essential tool for data manipulation in the Bash environment. The ability to use regular expressions and specify custom column separators adds to its versatility.

Remember, mastering “awk” can make Bash programming efficient and enable handling complex data tasks with ease.

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