Linux Tactic

Efficient Bash Scripting: Your Guide to the Bash Case Statement

Bash Case Statement: A Guide to Writing Efficient Bash Scripts

Bash is a powerful programming language used mainly for automating repetitive tasks and performing system maintenance. It allows users to write executable scripts that can interact with the file system, process input/output, and execute commands.

One of the common constructs used in Bash scripts is the case statement, which provides a flexible way to match values and execute code blocks based on the matching criteria. In this article, we will discuss the syntax of the Bash case statement and its practical applications in real-world scenarios.

Syntax of Bash Case Statement

The Bash case statement is used to match a value against a series of patterns and execute the corresponding code block for the first matching pattern. The basic syntax of the Bash case statement is as follows:


case expression in

pattern1) commands;;

pattern2) commands;;

pattern3) commands;;

… *) default commands;;



Here, the `expression` is a value that needs to be matched against the `patterns` in the case statement. Each pattern is preceded by the `pattern` keyword and enclosed in parentheses.

The `commands` within each pattern are executed if the `expression` matches the corresponding `pattern`. The `*` pattern matches any value and serves as the default pattern when no other pattern matches the `expression`.

Example 1: Matching Months with International Holidays

Let’s consider an example where we want to match the months of the year with their corresponding international holidays. We can use the Bash case statement to write a script that outputs the holiday name for a given month.


read -p “Enter a month (1-12): ” month

case $month in

1) echo “New Year’s Day”;;

2) echo “Valentine’s Day”;;

3) echo “International Women’s Day”;;

4) echo “Earth Day”;;

5) echo “Labor Day”;;

6) echo “World Environment Day”;;

7) echo “International Day of Friendship”;;

8) echo “International Youth Day”;;

9) echo “International Day of Peace”;;

10) echo “World Food Day”;;

11) echo “World Children’s Day”;;

12) echo “Christmas Day”;;

*) echo “Invalid month! Please enter a value between 1 and 12.”;;



In this example, the script prompts the user to enter a month number and uses the case statement to match the input against the patterns for each month. If a match is found, the script outputs the name of the corresponding holiday.

Example 2: Matching Integers to Determine Even or Odd

Another example where the Bash case statement is useful is when we need to determine whether an integer is even or odd. We can use the modulo operator `%` to calculate the remainder of the division between the number and 2.

If the remainder is 0, the number is even, and if it’s 1, the number is odd. We can then use the Bash case statement to output the result.


read -p “Enter an integer: ” num

rem=$((num % 2))

case $rem in

0) echo “$num is even”;;

1) echo “$num is odd”;;



In this example, the script prompts the user to enter an integer and uses the modulo operator to calculate the remainder. The case statement then matches the value of the remainder with the patterns for even and odd numbers and outputs the corresponding message.

Example 3: Matching File Extensions in Current Directory

A practical application of the Bash case statement is in matching file extensions in the current directory. We can use the `ls` command with the `–format` option to list all files in the current directory along with their file types.

We can then use the Bash case statement to filter the files based on their extensions. “`

read -p “Enter a file extension: ” ext

ls -l –format=long | grep “.$ext$” |

while read -r perms links owner group size date time name; do

case $perms in

-rw-r–r–) echo “$name”;;




In this example, the script prompts the user to enter a file extension and uses the `ls` and `grep` commands to filter the files in the current directory based on that extension. The case statement is then used to match the permission string of each file against the pattern for regular files (`-rw-r–r–`) and output their names.

Benefits of Using Bash Case Statement

Using the Bash case statement in scripts provides several benefits, such as:

– Maintainability of Bash scripts: The Bash case statement makes the code more readable and easier to maintain by grouping related code blocks together and providing a concise way to handle multiple values. This reduces the chance of errors and makes debugging easier.

– Readability of Bash scripts: Instead of using multiple if/else statements to match values, the Bash case statement provides a cleaner and more readable way to write code, especially when dealing with many cases. – Versatility of Bash Case Statement: The Bash case statement is versatile and can be used in many situations where matching values is required.

It can match against strings, integers, and regular expressions, making it very flexible. – Handling Exit Codes: The Bash case statement can be used to handle different exit codes returned by commands, making it useful in error handling and decision-making.


In this article, we discussed the Bash case statement and its syntax, as well as its practical applications in real-world scenarios. We also highlighted the benefits of using the Bash case statement, such as maintainability, readability, versatility, and error handling.

By using the Bash case statement in scripts, we can write more efficient and concise code that is easier to debug and maintain. This article discussed the Bash case statement, a useful construct in Bash scripting that allows users to match values against patterns and execute code blocks based on the matching criteria.

We explored the syntax of the case statement with examples of matching months with international holidays, determining if an integer is even or odd, and filtering files based on extensions in the current directory. Additionally, we highlighted the benefits of using the Bash case statement, such as maintainability, readability, versatility, and error handling.

As a takeaway, Bash case statements can improve code quality by providing a cleaner and more readable way to match values and execute code.

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