Linux Tactic

Archiving and Compressing Folders in Linux with Tar: A Beginner’s Guide

Compressing and Archiving Folders in Linux using TarWhen it comes to handling large files and folders, having the right tools can make all the difference in successfully managing the task. One such tool is the tar command in Linux.

Tar is a utility used for archiving multiple files into a single file. In this article, we will explore how to compress and archive folders in Linux using Tar.

Basic Tar Syntax and Parameters

Before we dive into the more advanced features of tar, lets first explore the basic syntax of the command. To create a tar archive, we use the following command:

tar cf target_file.tar source_directory/

In this example, c is the parameter standing for create, f stands for file, and target_file.tar is the name you give your new archive file.

source_directory/ is the directory you want to include in the archive.

Creating Tar Folders in Different Formats

You can create tar files in various formats, including .tar format, .tar.gz format, and the gzip format. The gzip format is used with the z flag and is preferred over the .tar.gz format for its superior file compression.

To create a tar file in the gzip format, use the following command:

tar czf target_file.tgz source_directory/

In this example, c represents creating a new archive, z stands for gzip compression, and f is for creating a file.

Appending and Viewing Tar Folders

Appending allows you to add new files into an existing tar archive. Here’s how to do it:

tar rf target_file.tar additional_files/

r stands for the append option, and f indicates the existing tar archive.

To view the contents of a tar file, use the following command:

tar tvf target_file.tar

Here, t stands for testing the archive. The v option is to give a verbose output, and f is to specify the file.

Basic Tar Extraction Syntax

Now that we have explored creating tar files let’s examine extracting them. To extract the archive in the current working directory, use the following command:

tar xf target_file.tar

Here, x stands for extracting the archive, and f indicates the filename.

If you’d like to extract to a specific directory, simply specify the path to the target directory:

tar xf target_file.tar -C /path/to/output/directory

Extracting Specific Files/Subdirectories

Extracting specific files or subdirectories are usually done to save time and disk space. To extract only specific files or subdirectories, use the following command:

tar xf target_file.tar path/to/specific/file/or/directory

Here, path/to/specific/file/or/directory indicates the path to the specific file or directory that you’d like to extract.


The tar command in Linux is an essential tool for working with large files and folders. Understanding how to create, view, and extract tar archives is vital for efficiently managing data.

Hopefully, this article has given you a solid foundation for working with tar archives. With this knowledge, you can now compress and archive your files like a pro.


Summary of Steps and Commands for Tar in Linux

To summarize what we have learned so far, creating a tar archive is done using the tar cf command, where “c” stands for create and “f” is for the filename. You can specify the compression type, for example, gzip, by adding a “z” parameter.

The “v” parameter provides verbose output. To extract a tar archive, you can use the “x” parameter, and to view the contents of an archive, you can use the “t” parameter.

Finally, to append files to an existing tar archive, use the “r” parameter.

To compress files without archiving, you can use the following command:

gzip source_file

This command will create a new compressed file called source_file.gz in the same directory as the original file.

To extract a compressed file, the following command is used:

gzip -d source_file.gz

-d stands for decompress.

Key Takeaways

In this article, we have explored compressing and archiving files in Linux using tar. We have learned the basic syntax and parameters required to create, view and extract tar files.

The tar command along with other tools such as gzip provides a powerful set of utilities to effectively handle large volumes of data. One key takeaway from this article is the importance of using the right tools when handling large files.

Tar is an efficient and reliable tool that can help reduce file sizes and simplify the process of managing multiple files. Knowing how to use it can significantly increase productivity and make working with large files much easier.

Another key takeaway is the importance of understanding the different compression types and their suitable use cases. Gzip compression is an excellent choice for archiving files in a compressed format while still retaining a high degree of readability.

It also takes up less disk space than uncompressed files. In conclusion, the Tar utility is a must-know tool for anyone working extensively with files on a Linux system.

It is an efficient and reliable way to manage large volumes of data. By understanding the basic syntax and parameters, you can effectively create, view and extract tar archives.

With this knowledge, you will be able to facilitate the efficient management of your data. In conclusion, the Tar utility in Linux is an essential tool for compressing, archiving and extracting files.

This article has explored the basic syntax and parameters necessary to create, view and extract Tar archives. Using Tar and other utilities such as gzip, individuals can efficiently manage large volumes of data.

The importance of using the right tools when handling large files has been emphasized, and the significance of understanding different compression types has been demonstrated. With this knowledge, individuals can facilitate the efficient management of data and enhance productivity.

Use of the Tar utility ensures smoother workflow and easy management of data.

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